Create a competitive advantage with data quality
Data is rapidly becoming the powerhouse of industry, butlow-quality data can actually put a company at a disadvantage. Tobe used effectively, data must accurately reflect the real-worldscenario it represents, and it must be in a form that is usable andaccessible. Quality data involves asking the right questions,targeting the correct parameters, and having an effective internalmanagement, organization, and access system. It must be relevant,complete, and correct, while falling in line with pervasiveregulatory oversight programs.
Competing with High Quality Data: Concepts, Tools andTechniques for Building a Successful Approach to Data Qualitytakes a holistic approach to improving data quality, fromcollection to usage. Author Rajesh Jugulum is globally-recognizedas a major voice in the data quality arena, with high-levelbackgrounds in international corporate finance. In the book,Jugulum provides a roadmap to data quality innovation,covering topics such as:
The four-phase approach to data quality control
Methodology that produces data sets for different aspects of abusiness
Streamlined data quality assessment and issue resolution
A structured, systematic, disciplined approach to effectivedata gathering
The book also contains real-world case studies to illustrate howcompanies across a broad range of sectors have employed dataquality systems, whether or not they succeeded, and what lessonswere learned. High-quality data increases value throughout theinformation supply chain, and the benefits extend to the client,employee, and shareholder. Competing with High Quality Data:Concepts, Tools and Techniques for Building a Successful Approachto Data Quality provides the information and guidance necessaryto formulate and activate an effective data quality plan today.