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Demotic, 9781440185809 (1440185808), Iuniverse Inc, 2009

A man had an accident.
He lost his sense of time and emotional capacity.
This is his tenth attempt to communicate since the accident of October 2008.

This denotes before written language there was only one tongue and that was verbal language and it was an evolving language. Planned language denotes many rules and also sequence in order to use the written forms of this planned language. Evolving language denotes there was no right or wrong thing to say. This evolving language was simply verbal not written. So this comment is simply saying at one time there was only verbal communication and no written communication. One way to look at this is when a person meets someone who speaks a different language they are still able to communicate to a degree. So for example there is a person who speaks Spanish and a person who speaks English. If they were both trapped on an island they would fi gure out a way to communicate and once they did it would be a new kind of language or an evolving language. So the person who spoke English would use many English words thrown in with a few Spanish words they slowly started to learn so this is what “one speech” denotes. Where there is a will to communicate it will happen, so to speak. So in this regard planned written language has isolated people. Do you speak English? So a person who does not speak English will feel left out, so to speak. This encourages this left brain, seeing things in parts. The deeper meaning is the more planned languages one learns the more rules and sequencing one undertakes mentally and thus the more left brain dominate you become.

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