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Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits

The CMOS technology area has quickly grown, calling for a new text--and here it is, covering the analysis and design of CMOS integrated circuits that practicing engineers need to master to succeed. Filled with many examples and chapter-ending problems, the book not only describes the thought process behind each circuit topology, but also considers the rationale behind each modification. The analysis and design techniques focus on CMOS circuits but also apply to other IC technologies.

Offers a fresh perspective on the analysis and design of analog CMOS ICs. Emphasizes both fundamentals and new paradigms that are essential in modern analog circuits. DLC: Linear integrated circuits--Design and construction.
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers
SOME CLAIM THAT JAVASCRIPT is now the most popular programming language in the world, running any number of complex web applications that the world relies on to do business, make purchases, manage processes, and more.

JavaScript is very loosely based on Java, an object-oriented programming language popularized for
Intelligent Environments: Methods, Algorithms and Applications (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
Intelligent Environments: Methods, Algorithms and Applications (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
This innovative book discusses engineering solutions for the automatic understanding of a complex scene via multi-modal arrays of sensors. It focuses on research dealing with robotic platforms that augment an environment. In particular, it considers the study of information fusion methods, the study of algorithms for ontology learning from tabula...
Deploying Cisco Voice over IP Solutions
Deploying Cisco Voice over IP Solutions
If you've got a wide area network (WAN) already, putting interoffice voice traffic on it is an obvious application for it. Voice signals take up so little bandwidth, and the cost savings can be so significant, that Voice over IP (VoIP) deserves serious consideration. However, you can easily throw away years of cost savings by bringing in...

Essential Skills for the Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design
Essential Skills for the Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design

Agile has become today’s dominant software development paradigm, but agile methods remain difficult to measure and improve. Essential Skills for the Agile Developer fills this gap from the bottom up, teaching proven techniques for assessing and optimizing both individual and team agile practices.


Maintaining and Troubleshooting Your 3D Printer
Maintaining and Troubleshooting Your 3D Printer

Maintaining and Troubleshooting Your 3D Printer by Charles Bell is your guide to keeping your 3D printer running through preventive maintenance, repair, and diagnosing and solving problems in 3D printing. If you’ve bought or built a 3D printer such as a MakerBot only to be confounded by jagged edges, corner lift, top layers...

Automatic Digital Document Processing and Management: Problems, Algorithms and Techniques
Automatic Digital Document Processing and Management: Problems, Algorithms and Techniques

This text reviews the issues involved in handling and processing digital documents. Examining the full range of a document’s lifetime, the book covers acquisition, representation, security, pre-processing, layout analysis, understanding, analysis of single components, information extraction, filing, indexing and retrieval. Features:...

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