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Developing an Online Curriculum: Technologies and Techniques

The information in the following chapters has been designed for university
or college teachers who are or will become involved with online
education. The emphasis is on teachers, because they are working in the
front lines of online education. You throughout the text refers to teachers.
However, administrators, course designers, technical specialists, and
other institutional personnel should find the book useful. In particular,
administrators should read the final chapter, which covers topics relevant
to current and future success with an institution’s online curricula.

Curriculum planning is an ongoing, often arduous activity, and envisioning
the way that courses effectively fit together into programs within
one or many disciplines is challenging. Teachers often are more likely to
be involved with the planning or revision of individual courses, which
will become important touchstones within the curriculum. Planning information
for creating a new course or updating a course currently
offered online should help teachers develop more effective materials to
use with a wide variety of learners.

The book has been organized into three sections of three chapters each.
Activities associated with curriculum planning through evaluation and
change fall within three primary tasks:
1. Developing the curriculum
2. Implementing the curriculum
3. Maintaining the curriculum
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