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Diagnosis and Treatment of Radiation Injuries (Safety Report, Iaea Comprehensive No Inis Ser. Series, 8000)

According to the International Basic Safety Standards an accident is “any unintended event, including operating errors, equipment failures or other mishaps, the consequences or potential consequences of which are not negligible from the point of view of protection or safety” [1].

A radiological accident is defined as an unforeseen event involving overexposure or contamination of persons and/or the environment by radioactive material. Exposure may have actually occurred or only be suspected. This distinction is important because experience has shown that it is safer and less costly to put an accident plan into operation when an accident is suspected, rather than wait until its occurrence is established. Although infrequent compared to conventional accident situations, occurrences over the past five decades have provided sufficient data to develop guidelines for medical management of radiation casualties.

Although the March 1979 incident at Three Mile Island in the United States of America created tremendous public concern, it caused no radiation injuries. Because of the integrity of the containment vessel, and in spite of a fuel meltdown, the contamination outside the reactor building and the release of radioiodine were negligible. By contrast, the major nuclear and radiological accidents at Chernobyl, Ukraine, and Goiânia, Brazil, have provided important information for the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of radiation injuries. The explosion of vapour in April 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which had no containment vessel, resulted in the hospitalization of 237 patients identified as having been overexposed. Of these,134 developed acute radiation syndrome (ARS); 28 of these patients eventually died of ARS associated with extensive radiation burns [2].
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