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Digital Photography Just The Steps For Dummies

Easy steps and full color photos help you take and print great shots.

Simple steps for great results . . .

Change a Photo to a Colored Pencil Drawing

  1. With an image open in Adobe Photoshop Elements, choose Filter—Artistic—Colored Pencil. The Colored Pencil dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 10-5.
  2. Experiment until you achieve the desired effect in the sample window. The options are...
  3. Click OK to apply the effect to the photo, as shown in Figure 10-6.

Using artistic effects is a wonderful way to create paintings and drawings, even if you are not a graphic artist. In addition to the digital effects, the choice of paper and printing technique you use can add quality to the finished product.

Get Ready to:

  • Compare camera features
  • Compose shots like a pro
  • Take great photos for eBay auctions
  • Transfer images to your computer
  • Enhance and repair photos
  • Share prints or electronic images

About the Author

Frederic Jones
, PhD, (Masters at FST/GTU, Masters/PhD(ABD) at Florida State Univ., PhD at International College), is an experienced multimedia   artist, filmmaker, and author. He has written over 30 books including: How to do Everything with Digital Video (McGrawHill) and Desktop Digital Video (PrenticeHall), Sing to the Lord a New Song: Contemporary Songs, Rituals and Liturgy (Judith Jones, co-author, Speak from the Heart Press). He co-authored and produced, with Judith Jones, Beyond Time, a major CD-ROM game published by Virgin Interactive which sold over 400,000 copies worldwide. He has written, animated, and produced several international hit interactive CD-ROM children’s titles. He produced a number of videos for a wide variety of clients including: Herman Miller Corporation, Westinghouse, Lightolier, and so on. He is also a Christian pastor.
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