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Droid 2: The Missing Manual

Droid 2: The Missing Manual, 9781449301699 (144930169X), Pogue Press, 2011

What gives you high-speed Internet access, runs thousands of apps, lets you take high-resolution photos and videos, gives you immediate access to information about all your friends, family, and contacts, handles any email you can throw at it, is a wizard at Facebook and other social networking services…and lets you make and receive phone calls as well?

It’s the Droid 2—the smartphone with a built-in keyboard and enough tech specs to make any smartphone lover’s heart skip a beat. The Droid 2 brings together superb hardware from Motorola with Google’spowerful, flexible A ndroid operating system. Many people consider the Droid 2 to be the best smartphone on the planet. If you’re holding this book in your hand, you’re probably among them—or soon will be.

This book will help you get the most out of your Droid 2, and there’s a lot you can get out of it, as you’ll see. Whether you’re looking just to get started, or want to dig deep into the phone’s capabilities, this book’s got you covered.

Ready to unleash the Droid 2? This entertaining guide helps you take full command of Motorola’s sleek new device to get online, shop, find locations, keep in touch, and much more. Every page is packed with useful information you can put to work right away, from setup to troubleshooting, with lots of valuable tips and tricks along the way.

  • Get organized. Sync your contacts, calendar, and email with your Google Calendar and Outlook accounts.
  • Go online. Make your phone a portable hotspot or a modem to get your laptop online.
  • Be productive. Use Google docs to create and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
  • Play music. Purchase music from Amazon and sync your Droid 2 with Windows Media Player.
  • Capture photos and video. Edit your photos and share everything you shoot—instantly.
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