The first of three core rulebooks for the 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons® Roleplaying Game.
The Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game has defined the medieval fantasy genre and the tabletop RPG industry for more than 30 years. In the D&D game, players create characters that band together to explore dungeons, slay monsters, and find treasure. The 4th Edition D&D rules offer the best possible play experience by presenting exciting character options, an elegant and robust rules system, and handy storytelling tools for the Dungeon Master.
The Player's Handbook presents the official Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game rules as well as everything a player needs to create D&D characters worthy of song and legend: new character races, base classes, paragon paths, epic destinies, powers, more magic items, weapons, armor, and much more. |
 UNIX Power Tools, Second EditionIdeal for UNIX users who hunger for technical -- yet accessible -- information, UNIX Power Tools, 2nd Edition, consists of tips, tricks, concepts, and freeware (CD-ROM included). It also covers add-on utilities and how to take advantage of clever features in the most popular UNIX utilities. Loaded with even more... |  |  eBay Bargain Shopping for DummiesShop whenever you want, save money, and protect your privacy
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You can buy everything from beanies to Buicks on eBay – if you know how and where to look. So grab this book before you bid! The leading eBay maven tells you where to... |  |  Android Application Development For Dummies
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The Android OS continues to rapidly expand offering app developers access to one of the largest platforms available, and this easy-to-follow guide walks you through the development process step by step.... |
The calculus course is a critical course for science, technology, engineering, and math
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