Matplotlib Plotting Cookbook
This book follows a cookbook style approach that puts orthogonal and non-redundant recipes in your hands. Rather than rehashing the user manual, the explanations expose the underlying logic behind Matplotlib.
If you are an engineer or scientist who wants to create great visualizations with Python, rather than yet another... |  |  Web Services SecurityMinimize security risks in your system by successfully rolling out secure Web Services with help from this exceptional guide. Web Services Security covers everything network security professionals need to know, including details on Web Services architecture, SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, XML Signature, XML Encryption, SAML, XACML, XKMS, and... |  |  Building Software for Simulation: Theory and Algorithms, with Applications in C++
Simulation has made possible systems that would otherwise be impracticable. The sophisticated controls in modern aircraft and automobiles, the powerful microprocessors in desktop computers, and space-faring robots are possible because simulations reduce substantially the need for expensive prototypes. These complicated systems are designed... |