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Getting Started with ownCloud

Getting Started with ownCloud, 9781782168256 (1782168257), Packt Publishing, 2013

Making your data easily accessible on multiple devices is the primary goal of ownCloud. It gives you control of your own data along with the flexibility to set it up the way you want it. Community backup to the project ensures high quality software and gives you the power to modify and create features.

Getting Started with ownCloud is a practical handbook that provides step-by-step installation and scaling instructions. It will also give you an excellent understanding into how ownCloud can be integrated with components such as LDAP and WebDAV.

This book starts with a basic setup of ownCloud for personal use and then clearly scales out various components of ownCloud with examples This book will also help provide you with the understanding to integrate existing systems such as LDAP with ownCloud.

Starting from the setup on both Linux and Windows using either SQLite or MySQL, we move ahead to show you how efficiently user management can be done using ownCloud. We also look into storage backends and how to enhance the functionality of ownCloud by using ownCloud apps.

You will learn everything you need to know about ownCloud setup and usage for small and corporate scale deployment.

What you will learn from this book

  • Choose between SQLite and MySQL
  • Integrate ownCloud with OpenLDAP and Active Directory
  • Configure custom storage backends such as WebDAV
  • Back up ownCloud
  • Migrate or restore ownCloud
  • Load balance ownCloud components
  • Log ownCloud for debugging


This is a standard, precise, and short tutorial for setting up ownCloud and includes advanced topics like encryption, user management, and server security. This ownCloud book would be an ideal starting point for anyone who wants to store their data and also share it.

Who this book is written for

This book is for first time users as well as administrators who are interested or responsible for managing an ownCloud instance. You do not need any prior experience with any of the technology, including Linux/Windows, Apache/IIS, SQLite/MySQL, or even PHP. It is a beginner-friendly book, written with a first time user in mind.

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