Decision support systems comprise a core subject area of the information systems
(IS) discipline, being one of several major expansions that have occurred in the IS
field. The decision support system (DSS) area, as a subject of research and
practice, continues to grow along ever-widening horizons – often blending with
other major IS expansions such as organizational computing, electronic commerce/
business, and pervasive computing. Diverse exemplars of DSS advances
are found in this Handbook on Decision Support Systems. They range from basic
advances that have shaped the DSS realm over the years to emergent advances
that are shaping tomorrow’s DSS conceptions and impacts.
The two-volume Handbook on Decision Support Systems serves as an
extensive and fundamental reference for anyone interested in the IS field in
general, or its DSS arena in particular. Its peer-reviewed chapters are written by an
international array of over 130 DSS researchers and practitioners spanning six
continents. They share their thoughts and experiences about the historical milestones,
current developments, and future trends of technologies and techniques for
helping people faced with the often difficult task of making decisions. The
seventy-one chapters address an array of issues and approach decision support
from a wide variety of perspectives. These range from classic foundations to
cutting-edge thought. They approach DSS topics from both informative and
provocative standpoints. They cover theoretical and practical angles, human and
technological dimensions, operational and strategic viewpoints. The chapters
include first-hand experiences, best practices, thoughtful recommendations, stimulating
insights, conceptual tools, and philosophical discussion.
The Handbook on Decision Support Systems serves as a “must-read/first-read”
reference point for any theoretical or practical project related to DSS investigation
or study. It contains essential material of long-term benefit for the library of every
DSS practitioner, researcher, and educator. The content is designed to be of
interest to, and at a level appropriate for, those not yet exposed to the DSS realm
of IS – while at the same time containing novel, insightful perspectives for DSS
experts. The authors have taken special care to make sure readers are supplied
with pointers to relevant reference materials in case they want to pursue their
exploration of selected DSS topics of interest in more depth. |