This is the joint post-proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on High
Performance Computing (ISHPC-VI) and the First International Workshop on
Advanced Low Power Systems 2006 (ALPS2006). The post-proceedings also
contain the papers presented at the Second HPF International Workshop: Experiences
and Progress (HiWEP2005) and the Workshop on Applications for
PetaFLOPS Computing (APC2005), which are workshops of ISHPC-VI.
ISHPC-VI, HiWEP2005 and APC2005 were held in Nara, Japan during
September 7–9, 2005. Fifty-eight papers from 11 countries were submitted to
ISHPC-VI. After the reviews of the submitted papers, the ISHPC-VI Program
Committee selected 15 regular (12-page) papers for oral presentation. In addition,
several other papers with favorable reviews were recommended for poster
presentation, and 14 short (8-page) papers were also selected. Twenty-eight
papers out of 29 ISHPC-VI papers are contained in the post-proceedings. Hi-
WEP2005 and APC2005 received eight and ten submissions, with six and eight
papers being accepted for oral presentation after reviews, respectively. All the
HiWEP2005 and APC2005 papers are included in the post-proceedings.
ALPS2006 was held in Cairns, Australia on July 1, 2006 in conjunction with
the ACM 20th International Conference on Supercomputing. The number of
submitted papers was 15, and eight papers were accepted for oral presentation.
The post-proceedings contain six of the eight papers.
Initially, the ISHPC-VI Program Committee tried to publish on-site proceedings,
but could not make it because of the very tight schedule. After ISHPC-VI,
the ISHPC-VI Organizing Chair discussed with the General Chair of ALPS2006
(Hironori Nakajo) the possibility of a joint post-proceedings. After ALPS2006,
we made a proposal of having joint post-proceedings to Springer, and it was
accepted as an LNCS volume. Then we organized the post-proceedings committee,
which is based on the PCs of ISHPC-VI, HiWEP2005, APC2005 and
ALPS2006, to ask all authors to submit their papers to the post-proceedings because
it took a long time since their paper presentations. All submitted papers
were re-reviewed and most papers were accepted for the post-proceedings.