| You’re just in time. The online video revolution is under way. Yeah, yeah, I know. Another revolution. It seems like we have a new revolution every 18 months or so. And that’s why you’re just in time. This revolution is gaining momentum, establishing its foundations, and becoming focused. You know something is going on right in front of your eyes. Every week, you hear about new “amateur video” shot at the scene of a crime, of a sports event, of a scandal. You’ve no doubt recognized that something is going on right now that we’re watching unfold. Heck, we should be running as fast we can just to keep pace with the movement of online video. Another train is leaving the station, and we have to figure out how to get on board. That is what this book is going to attempt to do: get you on board.
Every time we see another example of off-the-cuff or, more accurately, out-of-the-pocket newsmaking, we’re seeing that train move ahead. Our technology has burdened us all with a new job—perhaps something we may not have wanted or asked for, but something we all are involved in, whether we like it or not. We’re all news reporters now. We’re all electronic news gatherers. In the broadcast world, that’s called ENG, for electronic news gathering. That’s the professional terminology. But for us today, it’s just being out and about. |