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How to Eat an Elephant: Achieving Financial Success One Bite at a Time


Take control of your personal finances—one bite at a time

Getting your financial house in order is a big job. At first, you might even feel like you've bitten off more than you can chew. But don't give up! In How to Eat an Elephant, you'll gain vital understanding of important personal finance basics in just one day a month. Rather than tackle the beast in one bite, you'll master it a little bit at a time. Supported by online resources, tools, and reports, you'll complete fundamental tasks and gain fundamental understanding in an orderly and effective way.

With practical, easy-to-understand guidance, this book will show you how to reduce your debt and save on interest; improve your understanding of personal finance basics and gain new confidence; reduce stress and anxiety about your money; and use powerful online tools to organize all your financial information.

  • Offers a structured, non-intimidating approach to personal finance that can be mastered in four hours a month
  • Covers vital topics like budgeting, life insurance, investment products, retirement planning, wills and powers of attorney, and much more
  • Written by Frank Wiginton, one of Canada’s best-known personal finance speakers and gurus

If it's time to take charge of your financial life, look no further. How to Eat an Elephant offers real solutions that will save you time, money, and headaches.

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