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ASP.NET 2.0 Everyday Apps For Dummies (Computer/Tech)

Welcome to ASP.NET 2.0 Everyday Apps For Dummies, the book that
teaches ASP.NET 2.0 Web programming by example. In this book,
you’ll find eight complete ASP.NET applications. We’re not talking trivial
Hello-World-type applications here. Instead, they’re real-world applications
like shopping carts and discussion forums. You can use any of them as-is, or
modify them as you see fit. So you’ve got workable stuff already included.
(What a concept.)

This book is a practical introduction to ASP.NET 2.0 Web programming. It provides
you with actual working code to build the most popular types of applications
on the Web. These applications enable you to:
 Restrict access to registered users, for all or part of your Web site
 Sell products online via your Web site
 Provide back-end functions for your public Web site, such as file maintenance
and reporting
 Let users manage specific types of online content
 Create discussion forums and blogs

ASP.NET 2.0 Everyday Apps For Dummies doesn’t pretend to be a comprehensive
reference for every detail of ASP.NET programming. Instead, it takes a
learn-by-example approach, under the assumption that you are already a
pretty competent programmer who can best learn by seeing real-world examples.
Designed using the easy-to-follow For Dummies format, this book helps
you get the information you need without laboring to find it.
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This Teacher's Guide is intended as a practical aid to teachers. You can turn to it for notes on the content of a unit and how to approach the exercises, for suggestions for classroom activities, and for answers to the exercises.

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