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Intelligent Multimedia Surveillance: Current Trends and Research


Intelligent multimedia surveillance concerns the analysis of multiple sensing inputs including video and audio streams, radio-frequency identification (RFID), and depth data. These data are processed for the automated detection and tracking of people, vehicles, and other objects. The goal is to locate moving targets, to understand their behavior, and to detect suspicious or abnormal activities for crime prevention. Despite its benefits, there is societal apprehension regarding the use of such technology, so an important challenge in this research area is to balance public safety and privacy.  

This edited book presents recent findings in the field of intelligent multimedia surveillance emerging from disciplines such as multimedia computing, computer vision, and artificial intelligence. It consists of nine chapters addressing intelligent video surveillance, video analysis of crowds, privacy issues in intelligent multimedia surveillance, RFID technology for localization of objects, object tracking using visual saliency information, estimating multiresolution depth using active stereo vision, and performance evaluation for video surveillance systems.

The book will be of value to researchers and practitioners working on related problems in security, multimedia, and artificial intelligence.

An Introduction to Language Processing with Perl and Prolog
An Introduction to Language Processing with Perl and Prolog
In the past 15 years, natural language processing and computational linguistics have considerably matured. The move has mainly been driven by the massive increase of textual and spoken data and the need to process them automatically. This dramatic growth of available data spurred the design of new concepts and methods, or their improvement, so that...
The Art of the Data Center: A Look Inside the World's Most Innovative and Compelling Computing Environments
The Art of the Data Center: A Look Inside the World's Most Innovative and Compelling Computing Environments

Today, data centers are the beating hearts of the companies they serve. Data centers process billions of Internet transactions every day. It's therefore critical for companies and IT organizations to understand the state-of-the-art in data center design. Narrow aspects - such as cooling, wiring, or power usage - are often the subject of...

Elements of ML Programming, ML97 Edition (2nd Edition)
Elements of ML Programming, ML97 Edition (2nd Edition)

I became interested in ML programming when I taught CS109, the introduc- tory Computer Science Foundations course at Stanford, starting in 1991. ML was used by several of the instructors of this course, including Stu Reges and Mike Cleron, to introduce concepts such as functional programming and type systems. It was also used for the...

Trade the Trader: Know Your Competition and Find Your Edge for Profitable Trading
Trade the Trader: Know Your Competition and Find Your Edge for Profitable Trading

When you trade, you're not just trading companies that deliver goods or services. You're trading against other traders who care about only one thing: taking your money. That's the #1 hard reality of trading - and most traders either don't know it, or don't act as if they do. In this book,...

From Master Student to Master Employee
From Master Student to Master Employee

With a new emphasis on the skills most valued by employers, FROM MASTER STUDENT TO MASTER EMPLOYEE 4e improves students' abilities to develop and apply the most relevant skills and strategies to both the classroom and the workplace. The Fourth Edition focuses on the Five C's - character, creative thinking, critical thinking,...

Electrochemistry of Semiconductors & Electronics: Processes and Devices (Materials Science and Process Technology)
Electrochemistry of Semiconductors & Electronics: Processes and Devices (Materials Science and Process Technology)
This is an in-depth review, by eight respected researchers of the electrochemistry of semiconductors and electronics. The book covers possible electrochemical avenues towards the goals of achieving greater semiconductor purity, crystal uniformity, and circuit density, and thus, faster more compact electronic devices.

This book reflects
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