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IPv6 in Practice: A Unixer's Guide to the Next Generation Internet


Handling IPv6 for the first time is a challenging task even for the experienced system administrator. New concepts and mechanisms make it necessary to rethink well-established methods of the IPv4 protocol.

This book is a practical guide to IPv6 addressing Unix and network administrators with experience in TCP/IP(v4) but not necessarily any IPv6 knowledge. It focuses on reliable and efficient operation of IPv6 implementations available today rather than on protocol specifications. Consequently, it covers the essential concepts - using instructive and thoroughly tested examples - on how to configure, to administrate, and to debug IPv6 setups. These foundations are complemented by discussions of best practices and strategic considerations aimed at overall efficiency, reliability, maintainability, and interoperation.

The examples in this book cover all relevant aspects concerning Debian GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris. Examples about other Unix derivatives are available online at www.benedikt-stockebrand.de.

Understanding and Using Advanced Statistics: A Practical Guide for Students
Understanding and Using Advanced Statistics: A Practical Guide for Students
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Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing: A Practical Approach with Examples in Matlab
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An informative, fun guide to making your own wine

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Real-Time Embedded Systems: Optimization, Synthesis, and Networking
Real-Time Embedded Systems: Optimization, Synthesis, and Networking
Embedded systems are electronic systems that include a microprocessor to perform certain specific tasks. The microprocessor is embedded or hidden inside these products. Embedded systems are ubiquitous. Every week millions of tiny chips come out of factories like Freescale, Microchip, Philips, Texas Instruments, and Mitsubishi,...
Websphere J2Ee Application Development for the IBM Iseries Server
Websphere J2Ee Application Development for the IBM Iseries Server
WebSphere Application Server 4.0 delivers the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) implementation. It is the IBM strategic Web application server and a key IBM iSeries product for enabling e-business applications. The iSeries server and WebSphere Application Server are a perfect match for hosting e-business applications. You can build J2EE applications...
The Semantic Web: Crafting Infrastructure for Agency
The Semantic Web: Crafting Infrastructure for Agency
The Semantic Web is an idea of World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee that the Web as a whole can be made more intelligent and perhaps even intuitive about how to serve a users needs. Although search engines index much of the Web's content, they have little ability to select the pages that a user really wants or needs. Berners-Lee foresees a...
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