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Microsoft Word 2010 Step by Step


Microsoft Word 2010 is a sophisticated word processing program that helps you quickly and efficiently author and format all the business and personal documents you are ever likely to need. You can use Word to:

* Create professional-looking documents that incorporate impressive graphics such as charts and diagrams.
* Give documents a consistent look by applying styles and themes that control the font, size, color, and effects of text and the page background.
* Store and reuse ready-made content and formatted elements such as cover pages and sidebars.
* Create personalized e-mail messages and mailings to multiple recipients without repetitive typing.
* Make information in long documents accessible by compiling tables of contents, indexes, and bibliographies.
* Safeguard your documents by controlling who can make changes and the types of changes that may be made, as well as by removing personal and confidential information.

Word 2010 builds on previous versions to provide powerful tools for all your word processing needs. This introduction provides an overview of new features that we explore throughout the book.

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