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Modeling, Identification and Control Methods in Renewable Energy Systems (Green Energy and Technology)

Most of the research and experiments in the fields of modeling and control systems have spent significant efforts to find rules from various complicated phenomena by principles, observations, measured data, logic derivations. The rules are normally summarized as concise and quantitative expressions or “models”. “Identification” provides mechanisms to establish the models and “control” provides mechanisms to improve system performances.

This book reflects the relevant studies and applications in the area of renewable energies, with the latest research from interdisciplinary theoretical studies, computational algorithm development to exemplary applications. It discusses how modeling and control methods such as recurrent neural network, Pitch Angle Control, Fuzzy control, Sliding Mode Control and others are used in renewable systems. It covers topics as photovoltaic systems, wind turbines, maximum power point tracking, batteries for renewable energies, solar energy, thermal energy and so on. This book is edited and written by leading experts in the field and offers an ideal reference guide for researchers and engineers in the fields of electrical/electronic engineering, control system and energy.

Programming Android: Java Programming for the New Generation of Mobile Devices
Programming Android: Java Programming for the New Generation of Mobile Devices
The purpose of this book is to enable you to create well-engineered Android applications that go beyond the scope of small example applications.

This book is for people coming to Android programming from a variety of backgrounds. If you have been programming iPhone or Mac OS applications in
Beginning Python Games Development, Second Edition: With PyGame
Beginning Python Games Development, Second Edition: With PyGame

Beginning Python Games Development, Second Edition teaches you how to create compelling games using Python and the PyGame games development library. It will teach you how to create visuals, do event handling, create 3D games, add media elements, and integrate OpenGL into your Python game.

In this update to the first ever...

Crystal Reports 2008 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Crystal Reports 2008 For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
A report is only useful if those who receive it understand what it means. Knowing how to use Crystal Reports gives you the edge in producing reports from your database that really are crystal clear.

Crystal Reports 2008 For Dummies is a quick and easy guide to get you going with the latest version of this bestselling report-writing...

Professional LINQ (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional LINQ (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional LINQ

Are you ready to revolutionize the way you can work with data? This book shows you how to effectively utilize LINQ so that you can query XML, SQLdatabases, ADO.NET DataSets, and other data sources, and it also delvesdeeper into the technology to demonstrate how LINQ can dramatically improve your...

Programming Python, Second Edition with CD
Programming Python, Second Edition with CD
Programming Python focuses on advanced applications of Python. Endorsed by Python creator Guido van Rossum, it demonstrates advanced Python techniques, and addresses software design issues such as reusability and object-oriented programming. The enclosed platform-neutral CD-ROM has book examples and various...
Survey of Accounting (Available Titles Cengagenow)
Survey of Accounting (Available Titles Cengagenow)
Survey of Accounting, Fifth Edition, is designed for a one-term introductory accounting course. It provides an overview of the basic topics in financial and managerial accounting, without the extraneous accounting principles topics that must be skipped or otherwise modified to fit into a one-term course. Written for students...
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