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Models and Analysis for Distributed Systems (ISTE)

Verification and hence modeling are a mandatory but intricate problem for engineers developing embedded distributed real-time systems that are entrusted with critical safety applications like medical care, transportation, energy production, industrial processes, military operations. Therefore, while emerging 40 years ago, first for circuit design, avionics and finally for all domains, verification environments are now widely exploited by industry and fully integrated into the development processes.

Volume 1 presented design and algorithms for developing these large-scale distributed systems, real-time embedded ones, security concepts for peer-to-peer and ubiquitous computing. However the crucial problem of their correctness is made hard by their complexity, the difficulty of managing fault tolerance, the real-time constraints that they must satisfy, asynchronism of worldly spread units as well as the heterogeneity of devices, networks and applications.

This second volume presents different approaches for mastering these verification problems, beginning with the main concepts and formal methods used for modeling and well structuring distributed systems and for expressing their logical and timed properties. Then it explores the theoretical approaches, mainly logic and automata theory, for behavioral verification of these models. It goes thoroughly into the decidability issues and algorithmic complexity that are the inherent obstacles to overcome particularly for dealing with infinite state spaces and timed models. Collecting the experience of researchers from several laboratories, this volume covers advanced topics of distributed system modeling and verification. It aims at giving a deep knowledge of theory, methods and algorithms to Masters and PhD students as well as to engineers who are already good experts in verification.
Modeling Risk: Applying Monte Carlo Simulation, Real Options Analysis, Forecasting, and Optimization Techniques (Wiley Finance)
Modeling Risk: Applying Monte Carlo Simulation, Real Options Analysis, Forecasting, and Optimization Techniques (Wiley Finance)

This completely revised and updated edition of Applied Risk Analysis includes new case studies in modeling risk and uncertainty as well as a new risk analysis CD-ROM prepared by Dr. Mun. On the CD-ROM you'll find his Risk Simulator and Real Options Super Lattice Solver software as well as many useful spreadsheet models.


Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard: Visual QuickStart Guide
Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard: Visual QuickStart Guide
Apple’s next version of its OS, code-named Leopard, will keep Mac users in the forefront of making the most from their computers. Respected, best-selling author Maria Langer takes readers through Mac OS X’s groundbreaking capabilities, including new applications such as Time Machine and Spaces and revamped applications such as Mail,...
Live Sound Fundamentals
Live Sound Fundamentals

Until now, there hasn't been a book or learning resource that aimed to teach audio newbies and musicians how to set up and mix a live audio event. For years, they have had to learn about live audio through a frustrating and time-consuming process of trial and error or by watching others. LIVE SOUND FUNDAMENTALS provides the "missing...

Apache Spark 2.x Cookbook: Cloud-ready recipes for analytics and data science
Apache Spark 2.x Cookbook: Cloud-ready recipes for analytics and data science

Key Features

  • This book contains recipes on how to use Apache Spark as a unified compute engine
  • Cover how to connect various source systems to Apache Spark
  • Covers various parts of machine learning including supervised/unsupervised learning & recommendation engines


Microsoft Project 2010 Step by Step
Microsoft Project 2010 Step by Step

Microsoft Project 2010 is a powerful program that helps you plan and manage a wide range of projects. From meeting crucial deadlines and budgets to selecting the right resources, Project 2010 offers easier and more intuitive experiences to help you be more productive and realize better results. You can use Project to:

* Create...

Coach Yourself to a New Career: 7 Steps to Reinventing Your Professional Life
Coach Yourself to a New Career: 7 Steps to Reinventing Your Professional Life

Bestselling author offers a step-by-step program to making the right choices about a new career move

Don't fear taking the leap into a new career with this seven step program from bestselling author and life coach Talane Miedaner. Whatever the situation or economic environment, Coach Yourself to a New Career gives...

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