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Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2012 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics)


This book represents the refereed proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing that was held at the University of New South Wales (Australia) in February 2012. These biennial conferences are major events for Monte Carlo and the premiere event for quasi-Monte Carlo research. The proceedings include articles based on invited lectures as well as carefully selected contributed papers on all theoretical aspects and applications of Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods. The reader will be provided with information on latest developments in these very active areas. The book is an excellent reference for theoreticians and practitioners interested in solving high-dimensional computational problems arising, in particular, in finance, statistics and computer graphics.

Python Phrasebook (Developer's Library)
Python Phrasebook (Developer's Library)

I was excited when my editor asked me to write a phrasebook on the Python language. The phrasebook is one of the smallest books I have ever written; however, it was one of the hardest.

The idea of a conventional phrasebook is to provide readers with quick phrases that actually mean something in the language. The Python

Microsoft Windows Vista Management and Administration
Microsoft Windows Vista Management and Administration

This book will show administrators how to manage and administer the advanced functions and security features in Windows Vista. The recommendations, tips, tricks, and best practices are based on years of early-adopter implementations of Windows Vista in large corporate and private environments. The authors highlight the functions...

F. Scott Barker's Microsoft Access 2002 Power Programming (Kaleidoscope)
F. Scott Barker's Microsoft Access 2002 Power Programming (Kaleidoscope)
F. Scott Barker's Access 2002 Power Programming gives many practical techniques for the corporate and independent developer.

The main topics covered are:

  • The Root of Power Programming;
  • Manipulating and Presenting Data;
  • Extending Access with Interoperability;
  • Adding the...

Beginning SQL Server 2012 for Developers
Beginning SQL Server 2012 for Developers
Beginning SQL Server 2012 for Developers is for those people who see themselves as becoming either developers, database administrators, or a mixture of both but have yet to tread that path with SQL Server 2012. This edition of my book is for readers who wish to learn and develop on the free version of SQL Server 2012, SQL Server...
Microsoft Data Protection Manager 2010
Microsoft Data Protection Manager 2010

Microsoft Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2010 is a backup and recovery solution which provides continuous data protection for Windows application and file servers to seamlessly integrated disk, tape, and cloud.

This Data Protection Manager book is a practical, step-by-step tutorial that will show you how to effectively back up your...

Mechanical Energy Storage for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Resources (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)
Mechanical Energy Storage for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Resources (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)
The available literature on energy storage technologies in general, and mechanical energy storage in particular, is lacking in terms of both quantity and quality. This edited volume focuses on novel (yet uncomplicated) ideas that are currently part of the Energy Storage curriculum at the University of Sharjah, UAE. These techniques have been...
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