These Lecture Series in Computational Science and Engineering include the proceedings
of a Summer Program in Multi-Scale Modelling and Simulation held in
Lugano, Switzerland, between August 4th and 30th, 2003. The workshop was organized
by the ETHZ Computational Laboratory (CoLab) together with the Swiss
Center for Scientific Computing in Manno (CSCS) and the Universit della Svizzera
Italiana (USI) in the context of the ETHZ initiative in Computational Science and
Computational Science and Engineering entails interdisciplinary research, by a
sustained interaction of a critical mass of researchers, tackling complex problems of
scientific and engineering interest under the unifying concept of computation. Multiscale
modeling and Simulations is a fundamental research topic in CSE exemplifying
its interdisciplinary aspects and its unique character as a scientific discipline.
A broad range of scientific and engineering problems involve multi-scale phenomena.
The computational study of these problems demands an ever increasing
development of novel computational tools and mathematical methods. This Summer
Program provided the opportunity to scientists from different scientific fields, faced
with multiscaling problems, to exchange ideas and to pursue research in an interdisciplinary
fashion. The workshop strengthened existing collaborations and developed
new contacts between the participants that we believe will help in defining new scientific
The scientific interactions, the weekly lectures and the working sessions showed
that scientific cross fertilization can lead to significant advances in the specialized
fields as well as in the unifying computational methodologies. The proceedings of
this workshop serve as an attestation of this spirit of interdisciplinarity that characterises
research in multiscale modeling and simulation.