Want to build long-term, sustainable wealth? Then stay out of the stock market!
That’s radically different advice from what the "experts" have served up for decades… but look at the miserable results those pundits have delivered! Investors who’ve chosen equity-based buy-and-hold approaches have seen their assets decline dramatically: not just for a year, but often for decades. Fortunately, there are better ways to invest — and Never Buy Another Stock Again reveals them.
Renowned Reuters financial journalist David Gaffen first explains why stocks are an even worse short- and long-term investment than you realize. Next, he shows how to create a balanced portfolio that reflects a "big-picture," holistic approach, intelligently incorporating cash, real estate, retirement funds, savings, and other holdings. Gaffen’s strategies rely primarily on investments outside the stock market, while identifying strictly limited roles for mutual funds and ETFs. Readers will learn how to: dramatically reduce investing costs that can kill your returns; invest in an environment where double-digit returns can never be expected; overcome huge flaws in conventional diversification strategies; and offset risks associated with existing equity ownership. |
 Accelerated VB 2005Accelerated VB 2005 provides the fastest path to VB expertise for anyone already familiar with object-oriented programming. While books introduce VB, very few also explain optimizing its use with the .NET common language runtime (CLR). But this book both teaches core VB language concepts and covers in depth the concepts and techniques for... |  |  |  |  250 Best Jobs Through ApprenticeshipsFor your whole life, you’ve been hearing people tell you that education is the key to a good career. But the best-kept secret about careers is that most job skills are learned on the job. Still, young people face a chicken-and-egg problem: How do you get the job where you can learn the skills if you don’t have the skills that qualify... |
 Beginning JSP, JSF and Tomcat: Java Web Development
Start building Java–based web applications now, even if you’re a complete newcomer to Java. Comprehensive and example–driven, Beginning JSP, JSF, and Tomcat: Java Web Development, Second Edition is all you need to develop dynamic Java-based web applications using JSP, connect to databases with JSF, and put them into action... |  |  Data Protection & Compliance in Context
Data Protection and Compliance in Context is a comprehensive guide which: 1.explains the content of data protection laws; 2.provides practical advice on protecting data privacy under the Data Protection Act, human rights laws and freedom of information legislation; 3.gives data controllers a platform for building compliance strategies. Data... |  |  Smith's Elements of Soil Mechanics
The 9th edition maintains the content on all soil mechanics subject areas - groundwater flow, soil physical properties, stresses, shear strength, consolidation and settlement, slope stability, retaining walls, shallow and deep foundations, highways, site investigation - but has been expanded to include a detailed explanation of how... |