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New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2012: Introductory

Synchronicity. It’s all about students and instructors tuning in to each other. And technology makes it possible. In a world of networks, e-mail, webinars, and social networking sites, technology can certainly strengthen the link between instructors and students.

New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2012 is the only computer concepts product with a fully integrated and truly interactive teaching and learning environment. The printed book, CourseMate Web site, BookOnCD interactive digital textbook, and WebTrack assessment help instructors and students work synchronously to understand and apply technology in their personal and professional lives. It’s an engaging, multi-layered technology platform that supports diverse teaching and learning styles in today’s classrooms.

Getting “Synched” means that students and instructors can communicate more often, more easily, and more effectively than before. They can exchange information with a simple mouse click. They can sync up through NP2012’s live syllabus and annotations, pre-assessments, QuickChecks, practice tests, Chirps, and more. Instructors can monitor progress and check comprehension; students can hone in on expectations and make sure they master objectives.

New for this edition. In NP2012, you’ll find information on cuttingedge hardware technologies such as LED SCREENS, ALL-IN-ONE COMPUTERS, GESTURE TOUCHPADS, and the LATEST MOBILE DEVICES. There’s coverage of HTML5, WEBM, MIFI, MOTION CAPTURE, WINDOWS 7 LIBRARIES, and HOMEGROUPS. This edition has current statistics on SOFTWARE PIRACY and the effect of computers on the ENVIRONMENT, as well as a breakdown of the latest technical jargon you need when shopping for computer gear.

NP2012 covers multiple operating system platforms. Whether you use a PC running WINDOWS 7, VISTA, OR XP or a Mac running MAC OS X, all the TRY IT! instructions in the Orientation and at the beginning of every chapter are designed to work on your computer. Mac users can even download the MACPAC to convert the BookOnCD into Mac format.

Be sure to check out the ORIENTATION with tips for ONLINE RESEARCH and guidelines to help you STAY SAFE ONLINE. Don’t forget about all the NP2012 study and learning tools! The BOOKONCD digital textbook contains videos, software tours, and lots of ways to discover if you’re ready for the next test. When you purchase access to the the new NP2012 COURSEMATE WEB SITE, you’ll get a complete EBOOK, online games, CourseCasts, and other review activities.
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