| Represents the progression and evolution of the pattern approach into a system of patterns capable of describing and documenting large-scale applications.
This practical tutorial/reference demonstrates how patterns can enable users to create large-scale applications and solve recurring design problems. Contains a catalog of 25 patterns, described in a standardized format, that readers can use or adapt to their own development projects.
Pattern-oriented software architecture is a new approach to software development. This book represents the progression and evolution of the pattern approach into a system of patterns capable of describing and documenting large-scale applications. A pattern system provides, on one level, a pool of proven solutions to many recurring design problems. On another it shows how to combine individual patterns into heterogeneous structures and as such it can be used to facilitate a constructive development of software systems. Uniquely, the patterns that are presented in this book span several levels of abstraction, from high-level architectural patterns and medium-level design patterns to low-level idioms. The intention of, and motivation for, this book is to support both novices and experts in software development. Novices will gain from the experience inherent in pattern descriptions and experts will hopefully make use of, add to, extend and modify patterns to tailor them to their own needs. None of the pattern descriptions are cast in stone and, just as they are borne from experience, it is expected that further use will feed in and refine individual patterns and produce an evolving system of patterns. |
 Building Modular Cloud Apps with OSGi
If you’re an experienced Java developer in the enterprise, this practical, hands-on book shows you how to use OSGi to design, develop, and deploy modular cloud applications. You’ll quickly learn how to use OSGi, through concise code examples and a set of best practices derived from the authors’ experiences with... |  |  Frommer's Moscow and St. Petersburg (Frommer's Complete)
Russia breathes superlatives: the world’s biggest country; its largest supplier of natural gas and second-largest oil producer; home of the planet’s longest railroads, busiest subway system (Moscow’s), and one of its deepest, biggest, and oldest lakes (Baikal, in Siberia). It even boasts balmy beach resorts (on the Black... |  |  Build Your Own PC Do-It-Yourself For DummiesIf you’ve dreamed about having a customized multimedia PC or one tricked out for your favorite games, build your own and make your dreams come true! Build Your Own PC Do-It-Yourself For Dummies makes it easy.
Not only is building your own PC a really rewarding project, it can also save you a nice chunk of cash. This... |