The purpose of this manual is to provide the reader with a basic knowledge
of the principles and methods for the design, manufacturing, and
use of prestressed spun- and static-cast concrete poles for overhead utility
line structures. This manual is the result of a multiyear collaborative effort
by engineers from electric utilities, consulting fi rms, and manufacturers
engaged in the design and application of these structures.
Since the publication in 1987 of the ASCE Guide for the Design and Use
of Concrete Poles and the 1994 ASCE-PCI Committee Report “Guide for the
Design of Prestressed Concrete Poles,” signifi cant advancements and
innovations have been realized in concrete pole design and manufacturing
technologies. These advancements have propelled the use of concrete
poles into an ever-increasing and signifi cant role in the design and construction
of overhead utility line structures.
Technological advances have occurred in three key areas. First, the
types and quality of the raw materials used in the production of highperformance
concrete have improved dramatically. Second, advanced
manufacturing methods and equipment to produce high-quality, stronger,
and longer length poles are being used. Third, with meaningful research
and development (R&D) investment in the technology, signifi cant and
innovative enhancements to the engineering design technology of concrete
poles are being developed. In addition to their use in distribution,
subtransmission, or wood replacement applications, concrete poles are
being designed and used in major transmission line projects up to and
including 345kV and 500kV transmission lines. |