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Sams Teach Yourself Java in 24 Hours



As the author of computer books, I spend a lot of time lurking in the computer section of bookstores, observing the behavior of readers while I’m pretending to read the latest issue of In Touch Weekly magazine. Because of my research, I’ve learned that if you have picked up this book and turned to the introduction, I have only 12 more seconds before you put it down and head to the coffee bar for a double-tall-decaf-skim-withtwo- shots-of-vanilla-hold-the-whip latte.

So I’ll keep this brief: Computer programming with Java is easier than it looks. I’m not supposed to tell you that because thousands of programmers have used their Java skills to get high-paying jobs in software development, web application programming, and mobile app creation. The last thing any programmer wants is for the boss to know that anyone who has persistence and a little free time can learn this language, the most popular programming language in use today. By working your way through each of the one-hour tutorials in Sams Teach Yourself Java in 24 Hours, you’ll be able to learn Java programming quickly.

Anyone can learn how to write computer programs—even if they can’t program a DVR. Java is one of the best programming languages to learn because it’s a useful, powerful, modern technology that’s embraced by thousands of programmers around the world.

This book is aimed at nonprogrammers, new programmers who hated learning the subject, and experienced programmers who want to quickly get up to speed with Java. It uses Java 7, the version of the language just released.

Java is an enormously popular programming language because of the things it makes possible. You can create programs that feature a graphical user interface, design software that makes the most of the Internet, read XML data, create a game that runs on an Android cell phone, and more.
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