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Sarbanes-Oxley IT Compliance Using COBIT and Open Source Tools


A Toolkit for IT Professionals

Whether you work for a publicly traded or pre-IPO company or as an IT consultant, you are familiar with the daunting task of complying with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. You have no doubt seen the hour and dollar estimates for compliance go up and up. With this book, you can now regain control of your budget and schedule. This ground-breaking, fully integrated book and bootable "live" CD provide all the information and the Open Source tools for you to use to achieve IT SOX compliance. This book illustrates the many Open Source cost-saving opportunities that public companies can deploy in their IT organizations to meet the mandatory compliance requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

  • Streamline IT SOX Compliance Using the Live CD: Use the tools on the bootable Linux CD to automate and manage workflow, disseminate information, track projects, manage groups, and much more.

  • Understand the Liability of Noncompliance: Learn the penalties associated with noncompliance resulting from both intentional and unintentional filing of an inaccurate certification.

  • Deploy COBIT Standards and Best-Known Methods (BKMs) in Your Organization: Master the six components of COBIT: Executive summary, framework, control objective, control practices, management guidelines, and audit guidelines.

  • Create an IT SOX Compliance Policy: Learn to write, implement, and enforce an effective IT compliance policy that will be supported by both users and management.

  • Realize the Benefits of Open Source Tools: Deploy Open Source applications throughout your enterprise to reduce cost and improve security.

  • Plan and Organize Your COBIT Strategy: Develop strategic IT plans that support business objectives and can stand the test of time.

  • Acquire Requisite Applications and Implement Your Plan: Ensure that you have the right people, skills, and tools to implement, test, certify, and maintain both existing and newly developed systems.

  • Deliver and Support New Systems: Ensure that new systems perform as expected upon implementation and that they continue to perform in accordance with established expectations.

  • Monitor the Progress of Your COBIT Deployment: Use service level agreements (SLAs) or established baselines to quantify performance against expectations and proactively troubleshoot problems.

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