This book provides clinicians with a broader understanding of screening and preventive diagnosis using radiological imaging. The first part of the book is dedicated to the fundamentals of screening and preventive diagnosis. The second part of the book discusses the most important practical examples of radiological screening and surveillance, both for unselected populations, as well as for individual risk groups.
Modern, non-invasive imaging technologies have developed rapidly and now enable
us to image extended anatomical areas or even the entire body. Outside any screening
programs, ultrasound, e.g., has contributed to early detection of renal cell carcinomas
– simply by being performed for which reason whatsoever. Today, more than 50% of
renal cell carcinomas are detected incidentally, and most frequently in a curable stage.
The range of diseases which can possibly be identifi ed by imaging is wide: Cancer,
atherosclerosis, aneurysms, osteoporosis, brain atrophy, and more.