Information is a two edged sword that can both help and hinder modern society. The Art of Information Warfare is the first common-sense primer on the subject written for those interested in or requiring a practical orientation to the threats and issues associated with today's Information Society from military, corporate, and technical perspectives. Unlike many other publications and reports on the subject, The Art of Information Warfare is written in plain, simple English and avoids sensationalizing an already "hot" topic in the media today by accurately presenting the facts and issues that affect everyone... not just the technoratti or power users.
Information drives military, national, corporate, and individual decision-making processes. Thus, Information Warfare seeks to deny, disrupt, or modify this process for the purposes of enabling an adversary to achieve their goals through the use of attacks (cyber, kinetic, psychological or psychotronic actions) directed against his opponent’s decision-making abilities or infrastructures; or by actions (such as deception or disinformation) directed against the actual information with the ultimate goal of adversely affecting the outcome of the opponent’s decisions and subsequent actions.