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Troubleshooting Optical Fiber Networks, First Edition : Understanding and Using Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers

Two of us (Anderson and Bell) wrote the fi rst edition of this book,
titled Optical Time-Domain Refl ectometry, published in 1997. At the time
we were engineers at Tektronix, in the company’s Cable and Network
Analysis Division. In 1997, Tektronix was a major producer of optical
time-domain refl ectometers (OTDRs), and our book was the fi rst singlesource
handbook describing OTDRs. Tektronix sponsored our work in
writing the book, and they published it and distributed it worldwide.

At the time, worldwide investment in fi ber-optic networks was
expanding at double-digit rates, and Tektronix was one of the top
manufacturers of OTDRs, responsible for both their early innovation
and the development of several key technologies. Neither of us could
have anticipated the dramatic changes that would take place in the next
six years. While fi ber optics proceeded at a steady and respectable pace
during most of the 1990s, the industry exploded in irrational exuberance
near the turn of the century as part of the telecom bubble, only to
be followed by a deep depression that would see many companies,
including Tektronix, abandon key business sectors devoted to optical
telecom by the end of 2003.

Through these tumultuous times, the OTDR continued its
remarkable evolution, resulting in today’s machines, which are
considerably smaller, faster, more capable, and less expensive than their
predecessors. This evolution has been driven largely by the widespread
use and deployment of optical fi ber and the need to put high-powered
test capability into the hands of the optical technicians that engage daily
in installing, maintaining, and repairing these networks. The days when
optical engineers do fi eld tests with bulky $35,000 OTDRs are gone
Linear Systems Control: Deterministic and Stochastic Methods
Linear Systems Control: Deterministic and Stochastic Methods
Control engineering is a multidisciplinary subject which is critical to the operation of modern technology and which is nearly invisible in daily life. From atomic force microscopes, through PC disk drives and drive-by-wire engine controls to Boeing 747’s and to space shuttles, multivariable controls underlie many of a the devices which are...
Pro BizTalk 2006
Pro BizTalk 2006

Pro BizTalk 2006 is a high-end resource that is based on real feedback from BizTalk developers. Authors George Dunphy and Ahmed Metwally are well known within the BizTalk community, and here they cover topics not discussed in other books, like performance tuning, scalability, and administration. This book also features examples of...

Developing Android Applications with Flex 4.5
Developing Android Applications with Flex 4.5

The Android mobile operating system was first introduced in the fall of 2008 as part of the G1 handset. Android began to gain some momentum as major device manufactures like Motorola, HTC, Sony, and Samsung adopted Android to run on their hardware. As the number of available devices began to grow (allowing mobile customers a wide...

Writing Add-ins for Visual Studio .NET
Writing Add-ins for Visual Studio .NET

Visual Studio .NET is the most extensible development environment Microsoft has released to date. Organizations create add-ins for many purposes: to speed common tasks, to ease code reuse within an organization, and to enforce rules and consistency among developers. Effective use of add-ins can dramatically improve developer efficiency and...

The BASIC handbook, an encyclopedia of the BASIC computer language
The BASIC handbook, an encyclopedia of the BASIC computer language
With the roots of the BASIC language now firmly established throughout the world, it is necessary to make its many dialects understandable so programs can be transported between different computer. After you've found just the program you've been looking for, you know how frustrating it is only to discover that it won't RUN on your computer. This...
Android App Development For Dummies
Android App Development For Dummies

The updated edition of the bestselling guide to Android app development

If you have ambitions to build an Android app, this hands-on guide gives you everything you need to dig into the development process and turn your great idea into a reality! In this new edition of Android App Development For Dummies, you'll...

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