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Wi-Foo : The Secrets of Wireless Hacking


The definitive guide to penetrating and defending wireless networks.

Straight from the field, this is the definitive guide to hacking wireless networks. Authored by world-renowned wireless security auditors, this hands-on, practical guide covers everything you need to attack -- or protect -- any wireless network.

The authors introduce the 'battlefield,' exposing today's 'wide open' 802.11 wireless networks and their attackers. One step at a time, you'll master the attacker's entire arsenal of hardware and software tools: crucial knowledge for crackers and auditors alike. Next, you'll learn systematic countermeasures for building hardened wireless 'citadels''including cryptography-based techniques, authentication, wireless VPNs, intrusion detection, and more.

Coverage includes:

  • Step-by-step walkthroughs and explanations of typical attacks

  • Building wireless hacking/auditing toolkit: detailed recommendations, ranging from discovery tools to chipsets and antennas

  • Wardriving: network mapping and site surveying

  • Potential weaknesses in current and emerging standards, including 802.11i, PPTP, and IPSec

  • Implementing strong, multilayered defenses

  • Wireless IDS: why attackers aren't as untraceable as they think

  • Wireless hacking and the law: what's legal, what isn't

If you're a hacker or security auditor, this book will get you in. If you're a netadmin, sysadmin, consultant, or home user, it will keep everyone else out.

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