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Deadly Connections: States that Sponsor Terrorism
Deadly Connections: States that Sponsor Terrorism
"Dan Byman has written what will likely become the standard text on state-sponsored terrorism. Deadly Connections is an important book that not only fills a long-standing gap in the field of terrorism studies, but significantly advances our understanding of this particularly opaque and complex phenomenon." --Bruce Hoffman, author of...
Learning Articulate Storyline
Learning Articulate Storyline

Storyline is an authoring tool packed with out-of-the-box features that don’t require any special knowledge to operate. That’s right; this is a programming-free zone! E-learning authoring is no longer limited to developers; the doors are now wide open for subject matter experts with their content, writers with their storyboards,...

Inside the Box: Leading With Corporate Values to Drive Sustained Business Success
Inside the Box: Leading With Corporate Values to Drive Sustained Business Success

How to turn company values into competitive advantage

We are inclined, for whatever reason, to treat values like works of art. We view them as nice to hang on the wall, and beautiful to look at, but we don’t act as though they truly mean much to us in the real world. In fact, the opposite is true. The best...

Philosophical Presentations of Raising Children: The Grammar of Upbringing
Philosophical Presentations of Raising Children: The Grammar of Upbringing

This book uses contemporary film to articulate a philosophical account of raising children. It forms part of a revaluation of the parent as a pedagogical figure, which stands in contrast to the instrumental accounts dominant in contemporary ‘parenting’ culture. Hodgson and Ramaekers use film in order to offer an...

Inside the Minds: The Art of Advertising
Inside the Minds: The Art of Advertising

The different niches represented and the various perspectives presented in this text enable readers to really get inside the great minds of advertising and glean practical advice, as advertising CEOs go back to basics.

Inside the Minds: The Art of Advertising is the most authoritative book ever written on
PC Recording Studios For Dummies (Lifestyles Paperback)
PC Recording Studios For Dummies (Lifestyles Paperback)
PC Recording Studios For Dummies is an introduction into the world of
computer-based audio recording. This book takes the mystery (and frustration)
out of recording into a computer. You discover tips to help you make
the process of recording music easy and the final product sound as good as

PC Recording
Mathematics Content for Elementary Teachers
Mathematics Content for Elementary Teachers
What is mathematics? You are probably wondering just what sort of question that
is for someone who has completed the general education mathematics prerequisites.
It is an important question because  your own opinions and attitudes will influence
your teaching of mathematics for your entire career.
Multicultural Assessment: Principles, Applications and Examples
Multicultural Assessment: Principles, Applications and Examples
If you are reading this preface, you are probably currently taking a graduate
assessment course, or have completed assessment training, or practice
as a professional psychologist. You may wonder why these courses contain
little that is relevant for assessment practice with all those persons
who are not included in normative data
How Great Decisions Get Made: 10 Easy Steps for Reaching Agreement on Even the Toughest Issues
How Great Decisions Get Made: 10 Easy Steps for Reaching Agreement on Even the Toughest Issues

All too often, solving tough work issues can become a tug of war as clashing departments, priorities, personality styles, and other concerns threaten to destroy any possibility of a successful conclusion. But by sharing hopes, and focusing on information rather than debate, the path to agreement can become wonderfully clear.


Inside the Minds: Winning Antitrust Strategies - Leading Lawyers
Inside the Minds: Winning Antitrust Strategies - Leading Lawyers

This book provides a broad, yet comprehensive overview of legal discipline and elements outlining the current shape and future state of antitrust.

Inside the Minds: Winning Antitrust Strategies is an authoritative, insider’s perspective on the basic pillars that govern antitrust and...

Articulate Studio Cookbook
Articulate Studio Cookbook

Create training courses with Articulate Studio's strong interactivity and rich content capabilities, all within the familiarity of Microsoft PowerPoint.


  • Complete your courses by creating Flash-ready presentations through familiar PowerPoint
  • Employ Articulate Engage, Quizmaker...
Inferred Functions of Performance and Learning
Inferred Functions of Performance and Learning
The objective of this book is to identify what the intelligent system that produces
responses must do to perform as it does. The analysis starts with the
performance variables that must be in place for the organism that does not
learn, and then overlays the functions required for learning. At one end of
the performance-learning
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