JBoss ESB Beginner's Guide
In this preface, we'll introduce JBoss, Open Source, and, of course, JBoss ESB. We'll also introduce thinking in Service Oriented Architecture terms, how JBoss ESB can help you, and why JBoss ESB is the best choice for your SOA needs.
This preface is organized into a series of questions and answers. We'll begin at... | | | | Advanced XML Applications from the Experts at The XML Guild
The foundations of XML are found in two World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) recommendations: Extensible Markup Language and Namespaces
in XML. Using just these foundations, it is very simple and straightforward
to express a set of information in a labeled hierarchy. The hierarchy has
simple parent, child, and sibling relationships,... |
Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2013
Ramp up your software development with this comprehensive resource
Microsoft's Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) makes software development easier and now features support for iOS, MacOS, Android, and Java development. If you are an application developer, some of the important factors you undoubtedly consider in... | | Pro Microsoft HDInsight: Hadoop on Windows
Pro Microsoft HDInsight is a complete guide to deploying and using Apache Hadoop on the Microsoft Windows Azure Platforms. The information in this book enables you to process enormous volumes of structured as well as non-structured data easily using HDInsight, which is Microsoft’s own distribution of Apache Hadoop.... | | Getting Started with Oracle SOA B2B Integration: A Hands-On Tutorial
Enterprises engaging in B2B communications with their trading partners are facing increased pressure to increase automation and reduce costs. Increased compliance requirements and globalization of economies is fueling B2B adoption in every industry. Gateway solutions in Oracle SOA B2B enable these enterprises to connect easily with external... |
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