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Mastering Technical Mathematics, 2nd edition
Mastering Technical Mathematics, 2nd edition
The definitive self-teaching guide to learning mathematics--now fully up-to-date. Unlike other math books that make your start at page one and work your way up to the technique you need, this unique guide steers you right to your topic of interest, fully explains it within its own context, and then shows you how to use it with real-world examples....
C++ Standard Library Practical Tips (Programming Series)
C++ Standard Library Practical Tips (Programming Series)
Put the Power of the C++ Standard Library to Work!

C++ Standard Library Practical Tips teaches beginning and experienced programmers how to use the Standard Library and its major component the Standard Template Library (STL) effectively in routine programming chores. The book provides 100 quick, easy-to-use tips and solutions to common...

Oracle PL/SQL by Example (4th Edition)
Oracle PL/SQL by Example (4th Edition)

Start developing applications with Oracle PL/SQL-fast! This integrated book-and-Web learning solution teaches all the Oracle PL/SQL skills you need, hands on, through real-world labs, extensive examples, exercises, projects, and a complete Web-based training site. Oracle PL/SQL by Example, Third Edition covers Oracle 10G and all the...

C Traps and Pitfalls
C Traps and Pitfalls
C Traps and Pitfalls teaches how the peculiarities of the C language make it easy for the intended behavior of a program and the actual behavior of a program to differ. The book's experienced author, Koenig, follows up with examples and helpful advice on many of these "pitfalls." Each chapter includes exercises for...
Compression Algorithms for Real Programmers (The For Real Programmers Series)
Compression Algorithms for Real Programmers (The For Real Programmers Series)
In life, time is money, and on the Internet, the size of data is money. Small programs and small files take less disk space and cost less to send over the Internet. Compression Algorithms for Real Programmers describes the basic algorithms and approaches for compressing information so you can create the smallest files possible....
Geo-Data: The World Geographical Encyclopedia
Geo-Data: The World Geographical Encyclopedia
Gale is pleased to present the third edition of Geo-Data: The World Geographical Encyclopedia. This is the first new edition of Geo-Data since 1989, and it represents a complete revision and updating of that work. The purpose of the book remains unchanged: to provide the reader with the most detailed and comprehensive descriptions available for the...
XSLT, 2nd Edition
XSLT, 2nd Edition
The goal of this book is to help you make the most of XSLT, the Extensible Stylesheet Language for Transformations. It covers both XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0, along with versions 1.0 and 2.0 of XPath, the XML Path Language. The two languages are designed to work together: XPath identifies the parts of an XML document that should be transformed, and XSLT...
An Executive's Guide to Information Technology: Principles, Business Models, and Terminology
An Executive's Guide to Information Technology: Principles, Business Models, and Terminology
Assessing the most valuable technology for an organization is becoming a growing challenge for business professionals confronted with an expanding array of options. This book is an A-Z compendium of technological terms written for the non-technical executive, allowing quick identification of what the term is and why it is significant. This is more...
Russian For Dummies (Language & Literature)
Russian For Dummies (Language & Literature)

Covers common expressions, conversations, and cultural notes

Your fun and friendly guide to communicating in Russian

Whether you're a student, a traveler, or a businessperson, or if you just want to speak basic Russian, you'll find this book packed with practical lessons...

Radiology Review Manual
Radiology Review Manual
The depth of medical knowledge and scope of image interpretation expected from a general radiologist continues to increase exponentially. Many practicing radiologists find themselves occasionally in need of a quick review of imaging findings, information on diseases and their pathological correlate or differential diagnoses before...
The Modern Invention of Information: Discourse, History, and Power
The Modern Invention of Information: Discourse, History, and Power
If we look in the Oxford English Dictionary under the term “information,” we will be struck by the impression that its use as a substantive, as a synonym for fact or for knowledge, is relatively new. Until very recently, “information” had the sense of imparting knowledge (in the sense of telling someone something) or of...
Telecom Crash Course, Second Edition
Telecom Crash Course, Second Edition

Get a thorough introduction to the telecommunications industry -- from the technologies involved to the complex business, market, and regulatory relationships. This new edition of the acclaimed telecom guide provides a framework for understanding the concepts,...

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