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Global Warming: The Complete Briefing
Global Warming: The Complete Briefing
John Houghton's market-leading textbook is now in full color and includes the latest IPCC findings, making it the definitive guide to climate change. Written for students across a wide range of disciplines, its simple, logical flow of ideas gives an invaluable grounding in the science and impacts of climate change and highlights the need for action...
Oracle General Ledger Guide: Implement a Highly Automated Financial Processing System (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
Oracle General Ledger Guide: Implement a Highly Automated Financial Processing System (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)
From being a user to an implementer, an executive to a clerk, I am a firm believer in utilizing business systems to achieve the wealth of information required to run businesses today. The systems that support corporations today are not the columnar ledgers of our ancestors. They are robust and provide in-depth insight into an...
Java Message Service
Java Message Service

Java Message Service, Second Edition, is a thorough introduction to the standard API that supports "messaging" -- the software-to-software exchange of crucial data among network computers. You'll learn how JMS can help you solve many architectural challenges, such as integrating dissimilar systems and applications, increasing...

Wireless Broadband: Conflict and Convergence (IEEE Series on Digital & Mobile Communication)
Wireless Broadband: Conflict and Convergence (IEEE Series on Digital & Mobile Communication)
"This is as comprehensive a book on wireless broadband as I have seen. The authors address the most important issues facing the players in the wireless ecosystem in great detail and provide a very thoughtful analysis."

—Steve Elfman, President, Sprint Nextel

"An insightful book that takes a...

XMPP: The Definitive Guide: Building Real-Time Applications with Jabber Technologies
XMPP: The Definitive Guide: Building Real-Time Applications with Jabber Technologies

This practical book provides everything you need to know about the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP). This open technology for real-time communication is used in many diverse applications such as instant messaging, Voice over IP, real-time collaboration, social networking, microblogging, lightweight middleware, cloud...

How to Become a Better Negotiator (Work Smart)
How to Become a Better Negotiator (Work Smart)

Whether it’s at home or at work, so much of our lives involves negotiating to get what we want. From negotiating a higher salary, to lowering costs from suppliers, to hammering out a new contract with a major customer, or even deciding where to go on vacation, the only way to consistently arrive at successful conclusions is to master the...

Managing the Human Factor in Information Security: How to win over staff and influence business managers
Managing the Human Factor in Information Security: How to win over staff and influence business managers
"...an engaging read." (Information Age, May 2009) "I found the book enjoyable and easy to read. It is very informative, and gives good references" (Infosecurity, June 2009)

With the growth in social networking and the potential for larger and larger breaches of sensitive data,it is vital for all
The Next Leap in Productivity: What Top Managers Really Need to Know about Information Technology
The Next Leap in Productivity: What Top Managers Really Need to Know about Information Technology
What Top Managers Really Need to Know about Information Technology

"These kinds of productivity principles are not mere theory. When we put these same principles into effect, our productivity went up more than we had thought possible. And our employee morale went up, too. It became easier to write code the right way and harder to make...

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Flash CS4 Professional
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Flash CS4 Professional

Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer instructions that show you how to do something — and skip the long-winded explanations? If so, then this book is for you. Open it up and you'll find clear, step-by-step screen shots that show you how to tackle more than 135 Flash CS4 Professional tasks. Each task-based spread covers a single...

Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom
Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom
"...one of the quickest ways you can get to know its [CS4's] intricacies." (Mac User, January 16th 2009)

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom is like having a personal instructor guiding readers through each lesson, while they work at their own pace. This book includes 13 self-paced lessons that let readers discover
The Essential Guide to Flash CS4
The Essential Guide to Flash CS4
If you're familiar with the basics of Flash, then The Essential Guide to Flash CS4 will take you further in all aspects of the application, animation, sound, 3D, Inverse Kinematics, the drawing tools, ActionScript, and much more. This book takes all the good bits of Flash CS4 and demonstrates them in methodical and intuitive exercises full of hints...
Growing Software: Proven Strategies for Managing Software Engineers
Growing Software: Proven Strategies for Managing Software Engineers

As the technology leader at a small software company, you need to focus on people, products, processes, and technology as you bring your software to market, while doing your best to put out fires and minimize headaches.

Growing Software is your guide to juggling the day-to-day challenges of running a software company while...

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