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jQuery UI 1.8: The User Interface Library for jQuery
jQuery UI 1.8: The User Interface Library for jQuery

Modern web application user interface design requires rapid development and proven results. jQuery UI, a trusted suite of official plugins for the jQuery JavaScript library, gives you a solid platform on which you can build rich and engaging interfaces with maximum compatibility, stability, and a minimum of time and effort.


Sinatra: Up and Running
Sinatra: Up and Running

When people speak of Ruby web development, it has historically been in reference to the opinionated juggernaut that is Rails. This is certainly not an unfounded association; Hulu, Yellow Pages, Twitter, and countless others have relied on Rails to power their (often massive) web presences, and Rails facilitates that process with zeal....

The Google Resume: How to Prepare for a Career and Land a Job at Apple, Microsoft, Google, or any Top Tech Company
The Google Resume: How to Prepare for a Career and Land a Job at Apple, Microsoft, Google, or any Top Tech Company

Just so you’re clear: it was not my idea to give a talk to Microsoft Research. I had learned embarrassingly little about computer science in my 18 years of life, and the last thing I wanted to do is to have that exposed in front of a bunch of genius PhDs in MSR. But my manager thought it’d be a great...

Intelligent Systems: Approximation by Artificial Neural Networks (Intelligent Systems Reference Library)
Intelligent Systems: Approximation by Artificial Neural Networks (Intelligent Systems Reference Library)

This brief monograph is the first one to deal exclusively with the quantitative approximation by artificial neural networks to the identity-unit operator. Here we study with rates the approximation properties of the "right" sigmoidal and hyperbolic tangent artificial neural network positive linear operators. In particular we study...

Operating Systems
Operating Systems

The main objective of a first course in operating systems is to develop an understanding of the fundamental concepts and techniques of operating systems. Most of the students are already exposed to diverse information on operating systems as a result of practical exposure to operating systems and literature on the Internet; such...

Advanced Design Approaches to Emerging Software Systems: Principles, Methodologies and Tools
Advanced Design Approaches to Emerging Software Systems: Principles, Methodologies and Tools

Recently, the rapid and fundamental advances in computing technologies have been driving the role and scope of software systems to a new level. A number of new types of software systems are emerging, among which service based systems, cloud computing, pervasive computing, and Internet of Things are eminent examples. For these systems,...

Essentials of Computer Architecture
Essentials of Computer Architecture

This book began when I was assigned to help salvage an undergraduate computer organization course. The course had suffered years of neglect: it had been taught by a series of professors, mostly visitors, who had little or no interest or background in digital hardware, and the curriculum had deteriorated to a potpourri of topics that...

Human-in-the-Loop Simulations: Methods and Practice
Human-in-the-Loop Simulations: Methods and Practice

Both the editors of this book were exposed to human-in-the-loop simulations while pursuing their doctoral degrees in the Center for Human-Machine Systems at Georgia Tech. In fact, S. Narayanan served as Ling Rothrock’s teaching assistant for the simulation course taught by Prof. Christine Mitchell. It has been over 15 years...

Hierarchical Neural Networks for Image Interpretation (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Hierarchical Neural Networks for Image Interpretation (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

It is my pleasure and privilege to write the foreword for this book, whose results I have been following and awaiting for the last few years. This monograph represents the outcome of an ambitious project oriented towards advancing our knowledge of the way the human visual system processes images, and about the way it combines high...

Computer Organization, Design, and Architecture, Fourth Edition
Computer Organization, Design, and Architecture, Fourth Edition

This book covers the organization, design, and architecture of computers. Architecture is the ‘‘art or science of building; a method or style of building,’’ according to Webster’s. A computer architect develops the functional and performance specifications for the various blocks of a computer system and...

Web2py Enterprise Web Framework, 2nd Ed
Web2py Enterprise Web Framework, 2nd Ed

I am guilty! After publicly complaining about the existence of too many Python based web frameworks, after praising the merits of Django, Pylons, TurboGears, CherryPy, and web.py, after having used them professionally and taught them in University level courses, I could not resist and created one more: web2py.

Why did I...

Hacking exposed web applications, 3rd Edition
Hacking exposed web applications, 3rd Edition

There is no escaping the reality that businesses live on the Web today. From banks to bookstores, from auctions to games, the Web is the place where most businesses ply their trade. For consumers, the Web has become the place where they do the majority of their business as well. For example, nearly 50 percent of all retail music sales in the...

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