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iPhone Location Aware Apps by Example: Beginners Guide
iPhone Location Aware Apps by Example: Beginners Guide
iPhone Location Aware Apps Beginner's Guide is probably the first book from any technical publisher that teaches you to build real world applications (five of them). That's a bold step from PacktPub - by undertaking more lively practical examples, rather than 400 pages of text! The book lays emphasis on location services, due to the...
Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt (2nd Edition)
Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt (2nd Edition)

I still remember how I first got to know C++ and Qt. It was around 15 years ago while working on my diploma thesis. Most of the development we did at that time was done in Fortran and C. I was working on a Linux system with FVWM as a window manager. One day I read an article about KDE—a cool, new open source project...

Big Book of Apple Hacks: Tips & Tools for Unlocking the Power of Your Apple Devices
Big Book of Apple Hacks: Tips & Tools for Unlocking the Power of Your Apple Devices
Ostensibly, you buy a computer or gadget to get something done. The something might be as simple as listening to MP3s you’ve ripped from your CD collection or as challenging as creating a full-length feature film. Apple is happy to sell you products to meet your needs. The trouble is your needs aren’t...
The Natural Pet Food Cookbook: Healthful Recipes for Dogs and Cats
The Natural Pet Food Cookbook: Healthful Recipes for Dogs and Cats
We are all familiar with the adage “You are what you eat.” Well, imagine how much more applicable that would be if we ate the same thing every day. That is the case with our four-legged companions. All of their nutrition comes from the food that we provide for them, and that puts a tremendous responsibility on us to...
Taking Your iPad to the Max, iOS 5 Edition: Maximize iCloud, Newsstand, Reminders, FaceTime, and iMessage
Taking Your iPad to the Max, iOS 5 Edition: Maximize iCloud, Newsstand, Reminders, FaceTime, and iMessage

Taking Your iPad to the Max, iOS 5 Edition is written so that anyone can quickly get up to speed on Apple’s latest hit. As bloggers at The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW.com), the authors have the happy privilege of working with Apple products every day, and they'll guide you through all of the perks of being an iPad owner...

Mastering Microsoft Forefront UAG 2010 Customization
Mastering Microsoft Forefront UAG 2010 Customization
In the world of enterprise-class software products, software development companies often find themselves struggling with merely finishing the product and getting it out to the market before their competitors beat them to the punch. In this type of situation, more often than not, the developers are happy if the customer is just...
Web Development Recipes
Web Development Recipes
It’s no longer enough to know how to wrangle HTML, CSS, and a bit of Java- Script. Today’s web developer needs to know how to write testable code, build interactive interfaces, integrate with other services, and sometimes even do some server configuration, or at least a little bit of backend work. This...
iPhone 4S All-in-One For Dummies
iPhone 4S All-in-One For Dummies
Apple has built its reputation on creating user-friendly products. Browsing the FingerTips guide that comes with your iPhone or even reading the more extensive iPhone User’s Guide gives you enough information to use a portion of your iPhone’s capabilities. We think that’s kind of like using 10 percent of your...
Inkscape 0.48 Illustrator's Cookbook
Inkscape 0.48 Illustrator's Cookbook

Inkscape is frequently mentioned, and lauded, as one of the best examples of open-source software available today. It is a mature, feature-full and flexible product, thanks to a very dedicated developer community. The latest version, 0.48, adds new tools, such as the Airbrush (which many have longed for), and advanced path editing,...

Unity 3.x Game Development Essentials
Unity 3.x Game Development Essentials

When we began creating Unity, we were just three programmers working on a beautiful little game. There weren't any good game engines that one could license without putting down wads of cash, so we created our own. We eventually decided that we enjoyed the challenge of making great tools even more than making games, and after some soul...

Codes: An Introduction to Information Communication and Cryptography (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
Codes: An Introduction to Information Communication and Cryptography (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
Many people do not realise that mathematics provides the foundation for the devices we use to handle information in the modern world. Most of those who do know probably think that the parts of mathematics involved are quite ‘classical’, such as Fourier analysis and differential equations. In fact, a great deal of...
iPad: Visual QuickStart Guide (Visual Quickstart Guides)
iPad: Visual QuickStart Guide (Visual Quickstart Guides)
You’ve seen the TV ads in which happy, purposeful people use iPads to type messages, watch movies, play games, video-chat with grandchildren, and surf the Web from hammocks. On the cuttingroom floor, however, is the footage where those actors actually learned how to do all that stuff. Despite its clean lines...
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