 |  |  |  |  Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets
When I wrote the first edition of this book, Twitter was just starting to hit the big time: bemused front
page articles in just about every magazine and newspaper in the land wondered just what this
Twitter thing was all about; the actor Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk) had just cracked the one million
follower mark; and Oprah herself had... |
 Dog Grooming For Dummies
Do you consider your dog a family member? Chances are you said yes
before you finished reading the sentence. You’re in good company. Most
pet owners consider their dogs as important as other family members or even
a child. According to the Association of Pet Products Manufacturers, every day
some 44 million households... |  |  Equidistribution in Number Theory, An Introduction
From July 11th to July 22nd, 2005, a NATO advanced study institute, as part
of the series “S´eminaire de math´ematiques sup´erieures”, was held at the Universit
´e de Montr´eal, on the subject Equidistribution in the theory of numbers.
There were about one hundred participants from sixteen... |  |  Natural and Wood Fibre Reinforcement in Polymers (Rapra Review Reports)
The use of composite materials dates from centuries
ago, when it all started with natural fibres. In ancient
Egypt some 3,000 years ago, clay was reinforced by
straw to build walls. Later on the natural fibre lost much
of its interest.
This report examines the different fibre types available and the current research. The... |
 Integrated Molecular and Cellular Biophysics
Biophysics represents perhaps one of the best examples of interdisciplinary research
areas, where concepts and methods from disciplines such as physics, biology, biochemistry,
colloid chemistry, and physiology are integrated. It is by no means a new
field of study and has actually been around, initially as quantitative physiology... |  |  The Internet For Dummies
Welcome to The Internet For Dummies, 12th Edition. The Internet has
become so interwoven in today’s life — work, school, politics, and
play — that ignoring it is no longer an option. This book describes what you
do to become an Internaut (someone who navigates the Internet with skill) —
how to get started, what... |  |  Principles of Data Structures Using C and C++
It gives me immense pleasure in presenting the first edition of the book-Principles of
DATA STRUCTURES Using C and C++ which is a unique text valuable for professionals
that covers both theoretical and practical aspects of the data structures.
The study of data structures is an essential subject of every under graduate and... |
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