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Lonely Planet The Trans-Siberian Railway (Multi Country Guide)
Lonely Planet The Trans-Siberian Railway (Multi Country Guide)

“The Trans-Siberian routes are some of the greatest rail journeys of the world. Whichever one you choose, it’s a rewarding experience of changing landscapes and culture, people and of life on the rails.” – Anthony Haywood, Lonely Planet Writer

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Pediatric ENT
Pediatric ENT
Each patient is a part of a society: successful care given to that patient adds value to that society. Pediatric otolaryngology encompasses the traditional purposes of medicine in the prevention and curing of illness. It also focuses especially on hearing, speech, gustation and the sense of smell, swallowing and respiration....
slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations
slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations
Presentations have become the de facto business communication tool. Companies are started, products are launched, climate systems are saved—possibly based on the quality of presentations. Likewise, ideas, endeavors, and even careers can be cut short due to ineffective communication. Out of the millions of presentations...
Lonely Planet Israel & the Palestinian Territories (Country Guide)
Lonely Planet Israel & the Palestinian Territories (Country Guide)

“Since the dawn of history, Israel and the Palestinian Territories – at the intersection of Asia, Europe and Africa – have been a meeting point of empires, religions, cultures and cuisines.” – Daniel Robinson, Lonely Planet Writer

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Lonely Planet Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands (Country Guide)
Lonely Planet Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands (Country Guide)

“Colonial cities, misty cloud forests, towering Andean peaks, Amazonian rainforest and the otherworldly Galapagos: for such a small country Ecuador has a stunning array of natural and cultural wonders.” – Regis St Louis, Lonely Planet Writer

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Lonely Planet East Africa (Multi Country Guide)
Lonely Planet East Africa (Multi Country Guide)

“Gentle gorillas, stampeding wildebeest, snowcapped peaks, paradisiacal beaches and an amazing array of tribal cultures – all this and more await you in East Africa, one of Africa’s most enticing corners.” – Mary Fitzpatrick, Lonely Planet Writer

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Lonely Planet Chile & Easter Island (Country Guide)
Lonely Planet Chile & Easter Island (Country Guide)

“Chile is nature on a symphonic scale. Diverse landscapes unfurl over a 4300km stretch: parched dunes, fertile valleys, volcanoes, ancient forests, clear rivers, massive glaciers and fjords.” – Carolyn McCarthy, Lonely Planet Writer

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Lonely Planet Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands (Country Guide)
Lonely Planet Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands (Country Guide)

“Rainforest-covered mountains, coral-fringed islands, heady Highland festivals…Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands set the stage for unforgettable adventures.” REGIS ST. LOUIS, LONELY PLANET WRITER

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Lonely Planet Belize (Country Travel Guide)
Lonely Planet Belize (Country Travel Guide)

“With one foot planted in the Central American jungles and the other dipped in the Caribbean Sea, Belize is home to the second-longest barrier reef in the world, jungles that teem with wildlife, and mysterious Maya ruins.” – Mara Vorhees, Lonely Planet Writer

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Lonely Planet India (Country Travel Guide)
Lonely Planet India (Country Travel Guide)

“India’s diversity is apparent in its architecture, landscapes, festivals and handicrafts. And spirituality – the beating heart of India – pulsates from the mountains of Ladakh to the shores of tropical Kerala.” – Sarina Singh, Lonely Planet Writer

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How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of Intangibles in Business
How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of Intangibles in Business

Anything can be measured. This bold assertion is the key to solving many problems in business and life in general. The myth that certain things can't be measured is a significant drain on our nation's economy, public welfare, the environment, and even national security. In fact, the chances are good that some part of your life...

Real Leaders Don't Do PowerPoint: How to Sell Yourself and Your Ideas
Real Leaders Don't Do PowerPoint: How to Sell Yourself and Your Ideas

Think about the most powerful speech you’ve ever heard a leader give. What made that speech–and that speaker–memorable was likely a mix of authenticity, stage presence, masterful delivery, and–above all–an inspirational message.

Nobody ever walked out of a great speech saying, “I loved the

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