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Practices for Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Large, Multisite, and Offshore Product Development with Large-Scale Scrum
Practices for Scaling Lean & Agile Development: Large, Multisite, and Offshore Product Development with Large-Scale Scrum

Lean and Agile Development for Large-Scale Products: Key Practices for Sustainable Competitive Success


Increasingly, large product-development organizations are turning to lean thinking, agile principles and practices, and large-scale Scrum to...

Cisco Router and Switch Forensics: Investigating and Analyzing Malicious Network Activity
Cisco Router and Switch Forensics: Investigating and Analyzing Malicious Network Activity
Cisco IOS (the software that runs the vast majority of Cisco routers and all Cisco network switches) is the dominant routing platform on the Internet and corporate networks. This widespread distribution, as well as its architectural deficiencies, makes it a valuable target for hackers looking to attack a corporate or private network infrastructure....
Health Monitoring of Bridges
Health Monitoring of Bridges
Health Monitoring of Bridges prepares the bridge engineering community for the exciting new technological developments happening in the industry, offering the benefit of much research carried out in the aerospace and other industrial sectors and discussing the latest methodologies available for the management of bridge stock.

Grow Your Business with Google AdWords: 7 Quick and Easy Secrets for Reaching More Customers with the World's #1 Search Engine
Grow Your Business with Google AdWords: 7 Quick and Easy Secrets for Reaching More Customers with the World's #1 Search Engine

Become a market leader in under 6 months powered by Google AdWords!

If your concerns are brand awareness and exposure, you and Google AdWords are a match made in heaven. Not only is this innovative advertising system extraordinarily effective, it's suited for any budget and you can launch a campaign in...

VMware VI and vSphere SDK: Managing the VMware Infrastructure and vSphere
VMware VI and vSphere SDK: Managing the VMware Infrastructure and vSphere
Virtualization is not a new concept, but it is changing the computing industry in a profound way. Server virtualization is now #1 on enterprises’ budget lists. According to analysts, it will continue to be the highest impact trend, changing infrastructure and operations through 2012.

Virtualization became popular for two reasons.
Alcatel-Lucent Scalable IP Networks Self-Study Guide: Preparing for the Network Routing Specialist I (NRS 1) Certification Exam
Alcatel-Lucent Scalable IP Networks Self-Study Guide: Preparing for the Network Routing Specialist I (NRS 1) Certification Exam
By offering the new Service Routing Certification Program, Alcatel-Lucent is extending their reach and knowledge to networking professionals with a comprehensive demonstration of how to build smart, scalable networks. Serving as a “course in a book” from Alcatel-Lucent—the world leader in designing and developing scalable...
How To Do Everything Adobe InDesign CS4
How To Do Everything Adobe InDesign CS4

Maximize the power of the number-one desktop publishing tool

This full-color guide shows you how to use the undisputed leader in desktop publishing tools to create any type of publication. Adobe Community Expert Donna Baker explains text, image, and drawing features; color and color management;...

Beautiful Teams: Inspiring and Cautionary Tales from Veteran Team Leaders
Beautiful Teams: Inspiring and Cautionary Tales from Veteran Team Leaders
What's it like to work on a great software development team facing an impossible problem? How do you build an effective team? Can a group of people who don't get along still build good software? How does a team leader keep everyone on track when the stakes are high and the schedule is tight? Beautiful Teams takes you behind the scenes with...
The Options Course Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises and Tests to Help You Master the Options Course (Wiley Trading)
The Options Course Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises and Tests to Help You Master the Options Course (Wiley Trading)
A comprehensive study companion to The Options Course, Second Edition
In The Options Course Workbook, Second Edition, George Fontanills offers a wealth of practical exercises that will help further the readers' understanding of options, as well as test and apply what they've learned before they take their first step into the real
The Data Access Handbook: Achieving Optimal Database Application Performance and Scalability
The Data Access Handbook: Achieving Optimal Database Application Performance and Scalability
Performance and scalability are more critical than ever in today’s enterprise database applications, and traditional database tuning isn’t nearly enough to solve the performance problems you are likely to see in those applications. Nowadays, 75-95% of the time it takes to process a data request is typically spent in the database...
Building Telephony Systems with OpenSIPS 1.6
Building Telephony Systems with OpenSIPS 1.6

SIP is the most important VoIP protocol and OpenSIPS is clearly the open source leader in VoIP platforms based on pure SIP. The whole telecommunication industry is changing to an IP environment, and telephony in the way we know today will disappear in less than ten years. SIP is the protocol leading this disruptive revolution and it is one of...

Immigrant, Inc.: Why Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Driving the New Economy
Immigrant, Inc.: Why Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Driving the New Economy

A provocative look at the remarkable contributions of high-skill immigrant entrepreneurs in America

Both a revelation and a call-to-action, Immigrant, Inc. explores the uncommon skill and drive of America's new immigrants and their knack for innovation and entrepreneurship. From the techies who created icons of...

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