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Windows 7 Inside Out, Deluxe Edition
Windows 7 Inside Out, Deluxe Edition

By some measures, Windows 7 sets a new standard for usability. It needs less out-of-the-box tweaking and troubleshooting than any Windows version we’ve ever used. The arrangement of folders and files in Windows Explorer, basic system security, User Account Control settings, and numerous other default configuration options are...

Windows Server 2008 Portable Command Guide: MCTS 70-640, 70-642, 70-643, and MCITP 70-646, 70-647
Windows Server 2008 Portable Command Guide: MCTS 70-640, 70-642, 70-643, and MCITP 70-646, 70-647

Thanks for buying the Windows Server 2008 Portable Command Guide: MCTS 70-640, 70-642, 70-643, and MCITP 70-646, 70-647 . I’d love to say that this book was my idea, but the real credit goes to Scott Empson who originally developed the vision of this book with Cisco certifications. I’ve worked with Scott and Pearson...

Pro PHP Programming
Pro PHP Programming

W elcome to yet another book on the great programming language of PHP. This book is unique in that it focuses on higher-end materials and more advanced, cutting-edge topics. We have kept it as modern as possible with the fast-paced world of the Internet. We take the reader from an intermediate level to a more advanced level of this...

Software Engineering for Image Processing Systems (Image Processing Series)
Software Engineering for Image Processing Systems (Image Processing Series)

This book is not intended to be a traditional software engineering text — there are many good ones. Instead, it is designed specifically for those involved in image processing systems. It provides a modern engineering framework for the specification, design, coding, testing, and maintenance of image processing software and...

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Master Data Services
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Master Data Services

It is not customary to start a foreword with an admission that the writer of the foreword has only recently come to personally know the author of the book. I started hearing about Adatis, the company for which Jeremy works, a few years ago. The context was always around Business Intelligence implementations in the United Kingdom, always made...

Microsoft Windows Server Administration Essentials
Microsoft Windows Server Administration Essentials

The core concepts and technologies you need to administer a Windows Server OS

Administering a Windows operating system (OS) can be a difficult topic to grasp, particularly if you are new to the field of IT. This full-color resource serves as an approachable introduction to understanding how to install a server, the various...

Programmable Logic Controllers
Programmable Logic Controllers

Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) continue to evolve as new technologies are added to their capabilities. The PLC started out as a replacement for hardwired relay control systems. Gradually, various math and logic manipulation functions were added. Today PLCs are the controller of choice for the vast majority of automated...

Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Associated Workshops and Doctoral Consortium of the 13th East European Conference
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Associated Workshops and Doctoral Consortium of the 13th East European Conference

Developing, testing and operating complex machinery and repairing it under time pressure if it breaks down are some of the new skills, professionals in many occupations have to learn as quickly as possible. Actions on machinery and plants are trained in individual lessons on an immersive virtual model. This paper introduces the...

Agile Business Rule Development: Process, Architecture, and JRules Examples
Agile Business Rule Development: Process, Architecture, and JRules Examples

According to Wordnet, a rule is “a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior” or “a prescribed guide for conduct or action.” Businesses, and organizations in general, operate under a number of rules: rules about what services to offer and to whom; rules about how much to charge for those services;...

Agile IT Security Implementation Methodology
Agile IT Security Implementation Methodology

Agile methodologies attack risk at its core. To identify risk early and often is the premise of agile security. Risk comes in many forms. Organizations face security threats every day. Risks are in the delivery and maintenance of the countermeasures. Agile IT Security focuses on the details of the steps in delivering and maintaining...

Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node
Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node

This book’s primary focus is on designing hypermedia APIs. That may seem a bit strange to some readers. There are many books on programming languages, data storage systems, web frameworks, etc. This is not one of those books. Instead, this book covers the nature of the messages passed between client and server, and how to improve...

LPIC-2 Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide: Exams 201 and 202
LPIC-2 Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide: Exams 201 and 202

Why should you learn about Linux? It’s a fast-growing operating system, and it’s inexpensive and flexible. Linux is also a major player in the small and mid-sized server field, and it’s an increasingly viable platform for workstation and desktop use as well. By understanding Linux, you’ll...

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