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Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Administrator's Pocket Consultant
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Administrator's Pocket Consultant

Portable and precise, this pocket-sized guide delivers immediate answers for the day-to-day administration of Exchange Server 2010. Zero in on core support and maintenance tasks using quick-reference tables, instructions, and lists. You’ll get the focused information you need to solve problems and get the job done—whether...

Herbal and Traditional Medicine: Molecular Aspects of Health (Oxidative Stress and Disease)
Herbal and Traditional Medicine: Molecular Aspects of Health (Oxidative Stress and Disease)

Responding to the increased popularity of herbal medicines and other forms of complementary or alternative medicine in countries around the world, this reference reviews and evaluates various safety, toxicity, and quality-control issues related to the use of traditional and herbal products for health maintenance and disease prevention and...

Hot and Cold Water Supply (British Standards Institution)
Hot and Cold Water Supply (British Standards Institution)

This book provides a highly illustrated guide to the design, installation and maintenance of hot and cold water supply systems for domestic buildings.

Based on British Standard BS 6700, the new edition takes into account revisions to the standard since the book was first published in 1991. It has also been updated to give guidance...

QuickBooks 2010 All-in-One For Dummies
QuickBooks 2010 All-in-One For Dummies

Everything that small-business owners need to manage their financial affairs with QuickBooks

Intuit's QuickBooks, updated each year, is the leading financial management software for small businesses. With eight content-rich minibooks, QuickBooks "X" All-in-One For Dummies covers everything you need to know to...

PHP 5 E-commerce Development
PHP 5 E-commerce Development

The popularity of online shopping has increased dramatically over the past few years. There are plenty of options available if you not are planning to build your own e-commerce solution but sometimes it's better to use your own solutions. It may be easy to find an e-commerce system but when it comes to extending it or using it you might...

Electrical Craft Principles, 5th Edition (Iee)
Electrical Craft Principles, 5th Edition (Iee)

The two volumes of Whitfield's Electrical Craft Principles have been substantially revised and updated in 2008, reflecting changes in practice and legislation (e.g. BS 7671 / Requirements for Electrical Installations). Volume 2 in particular has new material to accompany course changes. The volumes are presented in a new format, are highly...

Electrical Craft Principles, 5th Edition, Volume 2 (Iee)
Electrical Craft Principles, 5th Edition, Volume 2 (Iee)

The two volumes of 'Whitfield's Electrical Craft Principles' have been substantially revised and updated in 2008, reflecting changes in practice and legislation (e.g. 'BS 7671/IEE Wiring Regulations 17th Edition'). Volume 2 has new material to accompany course changes. The volumes are presented in a new format, are highly illustrated and contain...

Foundations of Databases: The Logical Level
Foundations of Databases: The Logical Level

The definitive book on the foundations and theory of database systems, including advanced topics not presented in any other survey book. Includes a comprehensive resource useful for any database researcher or practitioner that covers both fundamental and advanced topics.

Database theory is a relative newcomer to the field of computer...

Microsoft Windows 7 Unleashed
Microsoft Windows 7 Unleashed

Covers Release Candidate of Windows 7. 

With purchase of this book you will get a free online edition written on final product. See product registration ad in back of book for details.


Microsoft® Windows 7 Unleashed...

Network Know-How: An Essential Guide for the Accidental Admin
Network Know-How: An Essential Guide for the Accidental Admin

Are the machines in your office living isolated lives? Do you have a few computers at home that you want to connect to each other and the Internet? The best way to share files on a group of computers is to create a network. But how do you do that?

Network Know-How is your guide to connecting your machines, filled with...

The Unabridged Pentium 4: IA32 Processor Genealogy
The Unabridged Pentium 4: IA32 Processor Genealogy

The Unabridged Pentium 4 offers unparalleled coverage of Intel's IA32 family of processors, from the 386 through the Pentium 4 and Pentium M processors. Unlike other texts, which address solely a hardware or software audience, this book serves as a comprehensive technical reference for both audiences. Inside, the Mindshare trainers cover...

CompTIA Linux+ Study Guide: 2009 Exam
CompTIA Linux+ Study Guide: 2009 Exam

Authoritative coverage on the first Linux+ exam revision in more than five years

The Linux+ exam is an entry-level Linux certification exam administered by CompTIA that covers your knowledge of basic Linux system administration skills. With this being the first update to the exam in more than five years, you'll need to be prepared...

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