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Networking and Online Games: Understanding and Engineering Multiplayer Internet Games
Networking and Online Games: Understanding and Engineering Multiplayer Internet Games
Networking and Online Games concisely draws together and illustrates the overlapping and interacting technical concerns of these sectors. The text explains the principles behind modern multiplayer communication systems and the techniques underlying contemporary networked games. The traffic patterns that modern games impose on networks, and...
Configuring IPv6 for Cisco IOS
Configuring IPv6 for Cisco IOS
Configuring IPv6 with Cisco IOS provides complete coverage of IPv6 strategies, configuration scenarios, and techniques to successfully deploy an IPv6 addressing and subnetting scheme on a network. The book also covers such topics as: increasing the IP address size from 32 bits to 128 bits; supporting more levels of addressing hierarchy; supporting...
Configuring Cisco Voice Over IP
Configuring Cisco Voice Over IP
Arming network administrators with a thorough understanding of Cisco’s current VoIP solutions and the means to put them to work, Configuring Cisco Voice Over IP, Second Edition demonstrates how to configure all of Cisco’s core VoIP products, among them Cisco CallManager software, Cisco 7910 series phones, and server-based IP PBXs. Now...
Extreme Exploits: Advanced Defenses Against Hardcore Hacks
Extreme Exploits: Advanced Defenses Against Hardcore Hacks

Protect your network and web sites from malicious attacks with help from this cutting-edge guide. Extreme Exploits is packed with never-before-published advanced security techniques and concise instructions that explain how to defend against devastating vulnerabilities in software and network infrastructure. This book gives you detailed analyses...

Linux Network Security (Administrator's Advantage Series)
Linux Network Security (Administrator's Advantage Series)

Linux networks are becoming more and more common, but security is often an overlooked issue. Unfortunately, in today’s environment all networks are potential hacker targets, from top-secret military research networks to small home LANs. Linux Network Security focuses on securing Linux in a networked environment, where the security...

Data and Computer Communications
Data and Computer Communications
Awarded the Texty Award by the Textbook and Academic Authors Association for the best computer science and engineering textbook of 1997. Key Benefit: This book provides a clear and comprehensive survey of the whole field of data and computer communications and provides an up-to-date tutorial on leading-edge networking technologies. Since its...
Voice Over MPLS : Planning and Designing Networks
Voice Over MPLS : Planning and Designing Networks
MPLS is many things to many people. If you’re moving IP voice traffic, it may mean performance gains for you.

Daniel Minoli’s Voice Over MPLS gives you the technical and business lowdown on innovative new solutions for packet-based voice. What does it take to build flexible, high-performance networks with...

Interconnections: Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Protocols (2nd Edition)
Interconnections: Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Protocols (2nd Edition)

Radia Perlman's Interconnections is recognized as a leading text on networking theory and practice. It provides authoritative and comprehensive information on general networking concepts, routing algorithms and protocols, addressing, and the mechanics of bridges, routers, switches, and hubs. This Second...

Compressed Video Communications
Compressed Video Communications
Compressed Video Communications addresses the compression and transmission of coded video streams over mobile IP networks. By analysing a broad spectrum of compression techniques and error resilience algorithms this book provides realistic solutions to the problems of quality degradation and transmission error.

Features include:

Scheduling in Real-Time Systems
Scheduling in Real-Time Systems
Real-time computing plays a vital role in ultra-reliable and safety-critical applications in fields as diverse as flight control, telecommunication systems, nuclear plant supervision and surgical operation monitoring. Providing a comprehensive overview, this book examines the most significant real-time scheduling policies in use today....
The UMTS Network and Radio Access Technology: Air Interface Techniques for Future Mobile Systems
The UMTS Network and Radio Access Technology: Air Interface Techniques for Future Mobile Systems
The UMTS Network and Radio Access Technology covers all the key aspects of UMTS and its implementation from both the engineering design and the operator and service providers' point of view. It addresses the essential tasks involved in UMTS network deployment in new regions and within existing 2G networks. Presenting solutions for the...
Juniper and Cisco Routing: Policy and Protocols for Multivendor Networks
Juniper and Cisco Routing: Policy and Protocols for Multivendor Networks
Obtain a clear understanding of how routing information and traffic flows on a multivendor network

Routing policies for networks are often complex and not well understood. Many books detail the operation of routing protocols such as OSPF or BGP, but none place the protocols in the context of routing policies and the real world of ISP peering...

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