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Optical Performance Monitoring: Advanced Techniques for Next-Generation Photonic Networks
Optical Performance Monitoring: Advanced Techniques for Next-Generation Photonic Networks

This in-depth, detailed reference presents for the first time a comprehensive treatment of recent advances in optical performance monitoring. Written by leading experts in the field, the book provides an overview of recent developments in the area and the role of OPM in future optical systems and networks. Detailed discussions of various...

PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging (2nd Edition)
PPP Design, Implementation, and Debugging (2nd Edition)
Extensively revised and expanded to cover the latest developments in PPP and network technology, this second edition addresses such current topics as:
  • PPP in today's telecommunications infrastructure
  • PPP and telephony
  • Optical (SONET/SDH) PPP links
  • The relationship between PPP and...
Broadband Telecommunications Handbook
Broadband Telecommunications Handbook
Get the edge in telecommunications.

The telecommunications industry doesn¿t stand still. Neither should you. To gain a solid overview of this fast-breaking field--one that can really benefit your work every day--no reference but the Broadband Telecommunications Handbook will do.

In this one-of-a-kind volume, renowned...

IP over WDM: Building the Next Generation Optical Internet
IP over WDM: Building the Next Generation Optical Internet
The primary objective of this book is to provide, in an understandable style, comprehensive and practical information on the transport of the Internet protocol (IP) over the optical/wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) layer. This is accomplished by providing sufficient background information on the enabling technologies, followed by an in-depth...
Telecom Crash Course, Second Edition
Telecom Crash Course, Second Edition

Get a thorough introduction to the telecommunications industry -- from the technologies involved to the complex business, market, and regulatory relationships. This new edition of the acclaimed telecom guide provides a framework for understanding the concepts,...

Network Routing: Algorithms, Protocols, and Architectures
Network Routing: Algorithms, Protocols, and Architectures
In the span of a quarter-century, network routing in communication networks has evolved tremendously. Just a quarter-century ago, the public switched telephone network (PSTN) was running hierarchical routing, ARPANET routing was operational, and the telecommunication infrastructure had fixed static transport routes. In the 1980s, we saw the first...
Data Communications and Computer Networks: For Computer Scientists and Engineers
Data Communications and Computer Networks: For Computer Scientists and Engineers
A broad introductory text written for computer scientists and engineers, focusing on the fundamental aspects of data communications and computer networks. This second edition has been thoroughly revised to cover current networking issues and technologies. Specific updates include those on networks and their management, transmission technologies,...
Planning Fiber Optics Networks
Planning Fiber Optics Networks
The purpose of this book is to help the reader understand the details in planning and implementing fiber optic networks.

Both short-reach and long-haul transmission links are discussed. All major fiber planning parameters are reviewed with appropriate background theory and practical design calculations. Guidelines are provided for
Building Broadband Networks
Building Broadband Networks

Optical networks, undersea networks, GSM, UMTS…The recent explosion in broadband communications technologies has opened a new world of fast, flexible services and applications. To successfully implement these services, however, requires a solid understanding of the concepts and capabilities of broadband technologies and networks.

Mobile Backhaul
Mobile Backhaul

Comprehensive coverage of IP/MPLS/Ethernet backhaul technologies and solutions for 3GPP mobile network systems such as LTE, HSPA and GPRS

Focusing on backhaul from a radio network viewpoint, Mobile Backhaul combines perspectives on mobile networks and transport network technologies, focusing on mobile backhaul specific...

Optical Network Control: Architecture, Protocols, and Standards
Optical Network Control: Architecture, Protocols, and Standards

Optical Network Control is the first expert guide and single-source reference for controlling and managing optical networks. This book fills the gap between optical network engineering and routing/signaling-helping both optical and IP professionals build networks that are more robust, flexible, manageable, and profitable. Coverage includes:...

Digital Signal Transmission
Digital Signal Transmission

This book provides an up-to-date and thorough grounding in the concepts of modern digital transmission. It is written in a pedagogic style, aimed at enabling readers to understand the fundamental concepts and processes. System descriptions are included, however the text also explains the basic techniques of transmission, and includes the...

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