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Frommer's Beijing Day by Day (Frommer's Day by Day - Pocket)
Frommer's Beijing Day by Day (Frommer's Day by Day - Pocket)

Features: Beijing's Past, Present & Future, Red Communist Beijing, Beijing for Art Lovers, and more

Beijing Day by Day is the perfect answer for travelers who want to know the best places to visit and the best way to see the city. This attractively priced, four-color guide offers dozens of itineraries that...

PHP Ajax Cookbook
PHP Ajax Cookbook

Ajax is the necessary paradigm in Web 2.0 sites. Most Web 2.0 sites are built with PHP and Ajax. Extending Ajax is about delivering front-end services for accessing back-end services in PHP in a quick and easy manner. With this book in hand, you will learn how to use the necessary tools for Ajaxification of websites and iPhones.


Dissecting the Hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network, Revised Edition
Dissecting the Hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network, Revised Edition

The world of hacking is a world of pain and frustration. Frustration for the hacker as he tries to figure out how to break the latest and greatest security device, and pain for the manufacturer or corporation that made or was relying on that device.

Dissecting the Hack is one heck of a ride! Hackers, IT professional, and...

Exploring Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Design Exploration)
Exploring Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Design Exploration)

Quick, grab a seat. The show is about to begin, and it is full of a wonderfully mischievous cast of characters you do not want to miss. They call them “pixels,” magical spirits brought to life by digital mayhem and transported by light. They are the muses of the digital artist, the star performers on the Photoshop stage, and...

CoffeeScript: Accelerated JavaScript Development (Pragmatic)
CoffeeScript: Accelerated JavaScript Development (Pragmatic)

JavaScript was never meant to be the most important programming language in the world. It was hacked together in ten days, with ideas from Scheme and Self packed into a C-like syntax. Even its name was an awkward fit, referring to a language with little in common besides a few keywords.1 But once JavaScript was released, there was no...

MDX with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Analysis Services Cookbook
MDX with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Analysis Services Cookbook

MDX-related books often dedicate a significant part of their content to explaining the concepts of multidimensional cubes, the MDX language and its functions, and other specifics related to working with Analysis Services. And that's perfectly fine, there should be books like that, the tutorials that teach the concepts. However, that also...

Grid and Cloud Database Management
Grid and Cloud Database Management

Since the 1960s, database systems have been playing a relevant role in the information technology field. By the mid-1960s, several systems were also available for commercial purposes. Hierarchical and network database systems provided two different perspectives and data models to organize data collections. In 1970, E. Codd wrote a...

France For Dummies
France For Dummies

The French have mastered the art of living well. With this guide, you’ll master the art of vacationing well—seeing what you want to see, doing what you want to do, and enjoying every mile and every minute. In France, there are so many sights to see and so much fabulous food and wine to savor that you may have to pick and choose....

Who Needs Emotions?: The Brain Meets the Robot (Series in Affective Science)
Who Needs Emotions?: The Brain Meets the Robot (Series in Affective Science)

The idea that some day robots may have emotions has captured the imagination of many and has been dramatized by robots and androids in such famous movies as 2001 Space Odyssey's HAL or Star Trek's Data. By contrast, the editors of this book have assembled a panel of experts in neuroscience and artificial intelligence who have dared to...

Hands-On Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services, Second Edition
Hands-On Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services, Second Edition

Transform Raw Data Into Meaningful Business Intelligence with SSIS

Deploy and manage high-performance data transformation solutions across your enterprise using the step-by-step techniques in this fully revised guide. Hands-On Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services, Second Edition explains the tools and methods...

Mathematics for Computer Graphics Applications
Mathematics for Computer Graphics Applications

Computer graphics is more than an isolated discipline at an intersection of computer science, mathematics, and engineering. It is the very visible leading edge of a revolution in how we use computers and automation to enhance our lives. It has changed forever the worlds of engineering and science, medicine, and the media, too. The wonderful...

The Green House: New Directions in Sustainable Architecture
The Green House: New Directions in Sustainable Architecture

From the arid deserts of Tucson, Arizona to the icy forests of Poori, Finland to the tropical beaches of New South Wales, Australia to the urban jungle of downtown Manhattan, critics Alanna Stang and Christopher Hawthorne have traveled to the farthest reaches of the globe to find all that is new in the design of sustainable, or...

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