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Silicon Photonics
Silicon Photonics
Silicon is a material where the extraordinary is made ordinary.1 This statement has been prompted by the rapid (exponential) development of the industry based on manufacturing silicon devices, which has seen enormous performance improvements and cost reductions over the last fifty years. Coming after the stone, iron, and...
Boosting-Based Face Detection and Adaptation (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Vision)
Boosting-Based Face Detection and Adaptation (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Vision)
With the rapid increase of computational powers and availability of modern sensing, analysis and rendering equipment and technologies, computers are becoming more and more intelligent. Many research projects and commercial products have demonstrated the capability for a computer to interact with human in a natural way by looking at...
Advanced Penetration Testing for Highly-Secured Environments: The Ultimate Security Guide
Advanced Penetration Testing for Highly-Secured Environments: The Ultimate Security Guide
Penetration testers are faced with a combination of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, host-based protection, hardened systems, and teams of knowledgeable analysts that pour over data collected by their security information management systems. In an environment such as this, simply running automated tools will typically...
Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)
Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)
Extensive work has been done for many years in the areas of attitude determination, attitude prediction, and attitude control. During this time, it has been difficult to obtain reference material that provided a comprehensive overview of attitude support activities. This lack of reference material has made it difficult for...
Career Opportunities in the Energy Industry
Career Opportunities in the Energy Industry
The energy industry and its career opportunities are certainly nothing new. Excavations in Britain suggest coal was mined and used during the Stone Age. Natural gas was produced and transported through bamboo pipelines over 2,500 years ago in China. Petroleum was used by the Babylonians in making asphalt for building their...
Beginning T-SQL 2012 (Beginning Apress)
Beginning T-SQL 2012 (Beginning Apress)

I never thought I’d be writing a technical book. I have a MA in English Literature so I always pictured myself sitting in an oak paneled room surrounded by books and attentive students listening to me pontificating on the latest criticism of 19th Century novels. It didn’t take me long to realize though that path wasn’t for...

Network Forensics: Tracking Hackers through Cyberspace
Network Forensics: Tracking Hackers through Cyberspace
My great-grandfather was a furniture maker. I am writing this on his table, sitting in his chair. His world was one of craft, “the skilled practice of a practical occupation.”1 He made furniture late in life that was in superficial respects the same as that which he made earlier, but one can see his craft advance. ...
Cloud Computing Strategies
Cloud Computing Strategies
Over the last few years daily papers as well as weekly and monthly magazines and the media have been heralding “digital U.S.,” “digital Europe,” and “digital Asia.” America and most countries of the European Union are already wired. They score highly on access to broadband, while Internet has...
Pro SQL Server 2012 Administration (Professional Apress)
Pro SQL Server 2012 Administration (Professional Apress)

Pro SQL Server 2012 Administration is a one-stop source for all the knowledge you'll need to professionally manage a database under Microsoft SQL Server 2012. SQL Server administration is a complex field requiring an unusually broad and well-rounded skill set. A good database administrator must be part system...

Computers and Typography
Computers and Typography
This book is intended as a companion volume to the original Computers and Typography, but in no way supercedes it. The first book discussed many of the traditional typographic guidelines, and related them to modern technology. It recognised that this knowledge had not been part of the training or experience of the earlier...
Introduction to Real Analysis
Introduction to Real Analysis

Assuming minimal background on the part of students, this text gradually develops the principles of basic real analysis and presents the background necessary to understand applications used in such disciplines as statistics, operations research, and engineering. The text presents the first elementary exposition of the gauge integral and...

Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python
Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python

This book introduces students with little or no prior programming experience to the art of computational problem solving using Python and various Python libraries, including PyLab. It provides students with skills that will enable them to make productive use of computational techniques, including some of the tools and techniques of "data...

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