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Digital Piracy (Cybersafety)
Digital Piracy (Cybersafety)

The Internet has had and will continue to have a profound effect on society. It is hard to imagine life without such technologies as computers, cell phones, gaming devices, and so on. The Internet, World Wide Web, and their associated technologies have altered our social and personal experience of the world. In no other time in...

Mastering Xcode 4: Develop and Design
Mastering Xcode 4: Develop and Design
This book is an intermediate-level introduction to Xcode 4, Apple’s integrated development environment. It assumes you have some development experience and are familiar with the Cocoa API. It won’t teach you how to write code or much at all about Cocoa. There are other books for that. This one is strictly focused on...
Droid Companion
Droid Companion

Congratulations on your new Droid smartphone! You’re going to be amazed when you discover all the ways it enables you to connect with your contacts and stay in touch with the world. You can communicate via talk, text, email, social networking, and chatting with instant messaging, and on some newer Droid phones, you may even be able to...

Android Tablets Made Simple: For Motorola XOOM, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Asus, Toshiba and Other Tablets (Made Simple Apress)
Android Tablets Made Simple: For Motorola XOOM, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Asus, Toshiba and Other Tablets (Made Simple Apress)

If you thought your phone was smart, you should see the new Android tablets! Based on Android 3 Honeycomb, these tablets provide all the computing power you'll need on a device light enough to carry wherever you go.

Get the most out of your Android 3.0 Honeycomb tablet with Android Tablets Made

Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript
Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript
This book is about how to create interactive animations for the web using computer code and math. But don't worry if you can't remember anything from your high school algebra class, you'll just need a minimal understanding to get started. The purpose of this book is to give you the tools to create and express your...
Work Item Management with IBM Rational ClearQuest and Jazz: A Customization Guide
Work Item Management with IBM Rational ClearQuest and Jazz: A Customization Guide

Almost everyone has had the need at one point or another to keep a list of things that need to be done. Many people pick up a piece of paper every day and write down the things they want to attempt to accomplish that day. Such lists drive many people’s lives. Some people keep them in their heads, but as we get older, we need to...

GPU Computing Gems Emerald Edition (Applications of GPU Computing Series)
GPU Computing Gems Emerald Edition (Applications of GPU Computing Series)

We are entering the golden age of GPU computing. Since the introduction of CUDA in 2007, more than 100 million computers with CUDA-capable GPUs have been shipped to end users. Unlike the previous GPGPU shader programming models, CUDA supports parallel programming in C. From my own experience in teaching CUDA programming, C programmers...

Privacy and Anonymity in Information Management Systems: New Techniques for New Practical Problems
Privacy and Anonymity in Information Management Systems: New Techniques for New Practical Problems

As depicted in David Lodge’s celebrated novel Small World, the perceived size of our world experienced a progressive decrease as jet airplanes became affordable to ever greater shares of the earth’s population. Yet, the really dramatic shrinking had to wait until the mid-1990s, when Internet became widespread and the information...

JavaScript: The Missing Manual
JavaScript: The Missing Manual

Not too long ago, the Web was a pretty boring place. Constructed from plain old HTML, Web pages displayed information and not much else. Folks would click a link and then wait for a new Web page to load—and that was about as interactive as it got.

These days, most Web sites are almost as responsive as the...

iPad: The Missing Manual
iPad: The Missing Manual
Apple announced the original iPad on January 27, 2010, and the technology world hasn’t been the same since. Customers rushed to buy the tablet, snapping up more than 300,000 the day it went on sale. Competitors rushed to copy it, with Samsung, Motorola, Amazon, and others creating their own variations on...
IT Security Management: IT Securiteers - Setting up an IT Security Function (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)
IT Security Management: IT Securiteers - Setting up an IT Security Function (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)

In 1862, the gardener James Bateman sent several specimens of the Christmas orchid to Charles Darwin. This orchid was first planted in Britain in 1855 and it did not blossom until 1857. It had been discovered several decades before by the French botanist Louis-Marie Aubert du Petit-Thouars in Madagascar in 1822. The most significant...

Sams Teach Yourself HTML and CSS in 24 Hours (Includes New HTML 5 Coverage) (8th Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself HTML and CSS in 24 Hours (Includes New HTML 5 Coverage) (8th Edition)

In 2009, it is estimated that more than 1.5 billion people have access to the Internet, including 220 million in the U.S. alone. Throw in 338 million Chinese users, 55 million German users, 48 million British users, 38 million Russian users, and 67 million Brazilians, and you can see the meaning of the word “world” in the...

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