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Software Engineering (6th Edition)
Software Engineering (6th Edition)
The new edition of this best-selling book provides a comprehensive discussion of software engineering techniques and shows how they can be applied in practical software projects. This book features new coverage of the software process and software process technology, system integration, requirements management, and risk analysis, as well as new...
Securing PHP Web Applications
Securing PHP Web Applications
If you’re reading this, we know two things about you: First, you write PHP applications that run online. Second, you’re not a hard-core security guru. In fact, you’re probably holding this book right now because other security books left you with more questions than you started with, or because this is the first time you’ve...
Programming .NET Compact Framework 3.5 (2nd Edition)
Programming .NET Compact Framework 3.5 (2nd Edition)
WE FEEL PRETTY FORTUNATE. During the past three decades, we have traveled the world teaching programmers what we know. Between the two of us, we have led hundreds of classes and taught thousands of professional programmers. We enjoy working with the people who are inventing the future, andwehave been fortunate enough to have been at the cutting...
TOAD Handbook (2nd Edition)
TOAD Handbook (2nd Edition)

TOAD Handbook is a guide for developing Oracle applications and administering Oracle databases with TOAD. Starting with installation and configuration, the book covers the TOAD SQL editors in depth, including dozens of helpful, undocumented features. Later chapters discuss reporting and exporting data and using several add-on tools designed to...

Python Essential Reference (4th Edition)
Python Essential Reference (4th Edition)
Python Essential Reference is the definitive reference guide to the Python programming language — the one authoritative handbook that reliably untangles and explains both the core Python language and the most essential parts of the Python library.

Designed for the professional programmer, the book...

PDF Reference: Version 1.4 (3rd Edition)
PDF Reference: Version 1.4 (3rd Edition)

The official guide to the Portable Document Format.

This book details the most current specification of Adobe Systems' Portable Document Format (PDF), the de facto standard for electronic information exchange. PDF enables documents created on any platform or with any application to be reliably viewed and printed anywhere. More...

Chained Exploits: Advanced Hacking Attacks from Start to Finish
Chained Exploits: Advanced Hacking Attacks from Start to Finish
The complete guide to today’s hard-to-defend chained attacks: performing them and preventing them


Nowadays, it’s rare for malicious hackers to rely on just one exploit or tool; instead, they use “chained” exploits that integrate multiple forms of attack to achieve...

Quantum Circuit Simulation
Quantum Circuit Simulation

Quantum Circuit Simulation covers the fundamentals of linear algebra and introduces basic concepts of quantum physics needed to understand quantum circuits and algorithms. It requires only basic familiarity with algebra, graph algorithms and computer engineering. After introducing necessary background, the authors describe key simulation...

Elements of Programming
Elements of Programming
Elements of Programming provides a different understanding of programming than is presented elsewhere. Its major premise is that practical programming, like other areas of science and engineering,must be based on a solid mathematical foundation. The book shows that algorithms implemented in a real programming language,...
Foundations of Quantum Physics
Foundations of Quantum Physics
Our book is meant to be a text for a first undergraduate course in quantum physics. Both of us have taught this course numerous times and have used several different texts, some of them excellent. Obviously, though, there are changes we would make and that is the reason we are writing this book.

Two of the most widely used books for this course...

Beautiful Security: Leading Security Experts Explain How They Think
Beautiful Security: Leading Security Experts Explain How They Think
In this thought-provoking anthology, today's security experts describe bold and extraordinary methods used to secure computer systems in the face of ever-increasing threats. Beautiful Security features a collection of essays and insightful analyses by leaders such as Ben Edelman, Grant Geyer, John McManus, and a dozen others who have found...
Complete Web Monitoring: Watching your visitors, performance, communities, and competitors
Complete Web Monitoring: Watching your visitors, performance, communities, and competitors
Do you really understand your online presence? Are you confident that visitors can use your website? Do you know their motivations? How do online communities perceive your company? To innovate and adapt your business quickly, you must know the answers to these questions. Complete Web Monitoring demonstrates how to measure every aspect of your web...
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