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Expert One-on-One Oracle
Expert One-on-One Oracle
Tom Kyte is of a rare breed. To begin, he's technically expert in his subject (administration of and development of applications for Oracle database management systems). What's more (and what distinguishes him from the ranks of the super-competent), he is both able and willing to share his considerable store of wisdom with Oracle users via...
Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microsoft Excel, VBA, and .NET (2nd Edition)
Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microsoft Excel, VBA, and .NET (2nd Edition)

Microsoft Excel is much more than just a spreadsheet. With the introduction of the Visual Basic Editor in Excel 97, followed by the significantly improved stability of Excel 2000, Excel became a respected development platform in its own right. Excel applications are now found alongside those based on C++, Java, and the .NET...

Android 3.0 Application Development Cookbook
Android 3.0 Application Development Cookbook

This book covers every aspect of mobile app development, starting with major application components and screen layout and design, before moving on to how to manage sensors such as internal gyroscopes and near field communications. Towards the end, it delves into smartphone multimedia capabilities as well as graphics and animation, web access,...

Microsoft BizTalk 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration
Microsoft BizTalk 2010: Line of Business Systems Integration

We know that it is rare in IT departments today that solutions do not have to integrate with other systems and even external entities. Systems just have to be connected to support the complex business processes and levels of automation that the business is demanding. Some of these systems are really at the core of the business. They can...

Security Trends for FPGAS: From Secured to Secure Reconfigurable Systems
Security Trends for FPGAS: From Secured to Secure Reconfigurable Systems

It is a great pleasure for me to write this foreword about a book that comes out of one of the first research projects funded by ANR, the French National Research Agency. ANR was established by the French government in 2005 to fund research projects, based on competitive schemes giving researchers the best opportunities to realize...

Apache Solr 3.1 Cookbook
Apache Solr 3.1 Cookbook

Welcome to the Solr cookbook. You will be taken on a tour through the most common problems when dealing with Apache Solr. You will learn how to deal with the problems with Solr configuration and setup, how to handle common querying problems, how to fine-tune Solr instances, how to write Solr extensions, and many more things. Every recipe is...

WS-BPEL 2.0 for SOA Composite Applications with IBM WebSphere 7
WS-BPEL 2.0 for SOA Composite Applications with IBM WebSphere 7

I am quite honored that the authors of this book asked me if I could write the foreword. They have a long and concrete experience in implementing business processes, and we have interacted together in the context of telecommunication operators, where they delivered successful business process implementation.

What I would like to...

Windows 7 Device Driver (Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series)
Windows 7 Device Driver (Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series)

This book provides the technical guidance and understanding needed to write device drivers for the new Windows 7 Operating System. It takes this very complex programming development, and shows how the Windows Driver Framework has greatly simplified this undertaking. It explains the hardware and software architecture you must...

Programming Language Pragmatics, Third Edition
Programming Language Pragmatics, Third Edition

A course in computer programming provides the typical student's first exposure to the field of computer science. Most students in such a course will have used computers all their lives, for email, games, web browsing, word processing, social networking, and a host of other tasks, but it is not until they write their first programs that...

Real World Haskell
Real World Haskell

Haskell is a deep language; we think learning it is a hugely rewarding experience. We will focus on three elements as we explain why. The first is novelty: we invite you to think about programming from a different and valuable perspective. The second is power: we’ll show you how to create software that is short, fast, and safe....

Microsoft Exchange 2010 PowerShell Cookbook
Microsoft Exchange 2010 PowerShell Cookbook

The book is full of immediately-usable task-based recipes for managing and maintaining your Microsoft Exchange 2010 environment with Windows PowerShell 2.0 and the Exchange Management Shell. The focus of this book is to show you how to automate routine tasks and solve common problems. While the Exchange Management Shell provides hundreds of...

100% Photoshop: Create stunning artwork without using any photographs
100% Photoshop: Create stunning artwork without using any photographs

Photoshop is the world’s best-known, best-loved and just downright best photographic manipulation application. It’s used by retouchers, fine artists, graphic designers, photographers, and everyone who works with images in any form.

But there’s another side to Photoshop. In my work as an illustrator for...

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